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We’re teaming up with top football club Manchester City

Announcing our partnership with Man City ahead of its key Premier League derby match this Sunday

  • We’re partnering with reigning Premier League champions Manchester City — supporting the team as it heads into a key match with Manchester United this Sunday.
  • The multi-year deal will span Manchester City men’s and women’s teams, in addition to the club’s esports operations.
  • Our partnership with City is about where football and crypto meet — the values of community and inclusivity that we share.

We’re excited to announce our partnership with football legends and reigning English Premier League champions, Manchester City. 

We are teaming up with Man City just days ahead of its much-anticipated derby match against Manchester United, which will take place this Sunday. We’ll be proudly supporting Pep Guardiola’s eleven as they lock horns with their crosstown rivals before mounting what’s sure to be a grueling title defense campaign. 

Our global, multi-year deal with Man City spans the club’s men’s and women’s teams, as well as esports operations. 

Our shared focus on community, inclusivity and innovation — as well as an insatiable winning spirit — are some of the reasons why we’ve chosen Man City as our first official football partners 

Keep an eye out for our upcoming exclusive campaigns and collaborations as our partnership kicks off. 

We’re teaming up with Man City at the top of our respective games. City secured its 28th major title last season, while OKX overtook competitors to become world’s second largest crypto exchange last year. We also recently revealed our new brand that reflects our identity as so much more than a crypto exchange.  

Why Man City?

Neither our team nor Manchester City is a stranger to fierce competition. We both know firsthand the challenges that present themselves on the way to the top. With closely aligned values, we’re excited to field our new partner’s colors as they take on English and European football’s elite.  

Since the very beginning, City has been more than just a football club. From its 1880 debut, the club — then known as St. Mark’s West Gorton — has championed inclusion and community. Consistent with this mission, City has fostered a winning women’s team and supports the beautiful game’s future through its extensive youth training programs.   

In terms of our own journey as a leading crypto ecosystem, we’ve grown to be so much more than just another cryptocurrency exchange. As part of our mission to promote and enable financial access and inclusion for all, we recently launched a decentralized mode, MetaX, which makes the cutting edge in crypto and blockchain easier than ever to access.

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