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3 Mobile Apps That Pay You in Cryptocurrency

Your Android or iPhoner isn’t just for scrolling social media and binge-watching videos anymore—it could also be your ticket to earning cryptocurrency. That’s right! Today, there are apps that allow you to mine, earn, or even trade crypto right from your pocket. Whether you’re a crypto newbie or a seasoned enthusiast, these apps make it easy to start earning digital assets on the go.Let’s take a look at some of the best mobile apps that pay you in cryptocurrency, including one that’s leading the charge: Pi Network.

  1. Pi Network: Mining Made Mobile

If you’ve ever thought about mining cryptocurrency but felt intimidated by the cost and complexity, Pi Network is the perfect solution. With over 60 million users worldwide, Pi Network lets you mine its native Pi Token directly from your smartphone. The best part? It’s free, eco-friendly, and doesn’t drain your battery.How it works: Download the app, create an account, and tap a button daily to start mining. Pi’s energy-light algorithm ensures your phone isn’t overworked.Why it’s great: Pi Network prioritizes accessibility, allowing anyone to mine crypto without technical expertise. Plus, Pi tokens are now tradable on OKX, making it even more rewarding.

  1. Sweatcoin: Move to Earn

Want to stay fit and earn crypto at the same time? Sweatcoin rewards you for being active. The app tracks your steps and converts them into Sweatcoins, which can be exchanged for goods or converted into crypto.How it works: Download the app, let it track your steps, and start earning Sweatcoins daily.Why it’s great: It’s a motivational way to get moving while building up your crypto stash.

  1. Brave Browser: Earn While You Surf

If you’re tired of ads invading your online experience, Brave Browser might be your new best friend. This privacy-focused browser rewards you in Basic Attention Tokens (BAT) for viewing ads that respect your time and data.How it works: Use Brave Browser instead of your current browser and earn BAT tokens as you browse.Why it’s great: It’s a passive way to earn cryptocurrency without changing your daily habits.Why Mobile Crypto Apps MatterThese apps are revolutionizing the way we think about cryptocurrency. No longer confined to trading or investing, crypto is now something you can earn while you shop, walk, or browse the internet. They’re breaking down barriers, making digital assets accessible to anyone with a smartphone.Ready to Start Earning Crypto?Your smartphone really could be a goldmine. Whether you’re mining Pi, earning Sweatcoins for staying active, or shopping with StormX, there’s a mobile app out there for everyone. Start with Pi Network, the leader in mobile mining, and see how easy it is to earn crypto on the go.

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تنطوي الأصول الرقمية، ومنها العملات المستقرة، على درجة عالية من المخاطر وقد تتقلب تقلبًا كبيرًا. لذلك، يجب أن تفكر بعناية فيما إذا كان تداول الأصول الرقمية أو الاحتفاظ بها مناسبًا لك أم لا في ضوء وضعك المالي وقدرتك على تحمل المخاطر. ولا تقدم OKX توصيات استثمارية أو بشأن الأصول. ومن ثمَّ، تتحمل وحدك المسؤولية عن قراراتك الاستثمارية، كما لا تتحمل OKX المسؤولية عن أي خسائر محتملة. ولا يعني الأداء السابق تحقيق نتائج في المستقبل بالضرورة. من فضلك استشر متخصصًا قانونيًا/ضريبيًا/استثماريًا إذا كانت لديك أي أسئلة بخصوص ظروف محددة تمر بها. وتخضع ميزات OKX Web3، ومنها محفظة OKX Web3 وسوق رموز NFT من OKX، لشروط خدمة منفصلة على www.okx.com.
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