
What is PAWS: Get to know the Paws Community mini-app game on Telegram that rewards engagement

Update as of 14 March 2025

$PAWS Token Official Launch Date

The Paws token ($PAWS) is set to officially launch on 18 March 2025, with the PAWS airdrop set to happen on the same day. To date, the Paws community app has gained over 85 million users.


  • PAWS is a Telegram mini-app that rewards community engagement with $PAWS tokens.

  • You can earn $PAWS by completing tasks, making referrals in partnered TON games, and gain tokens based on the age of your Telegram account.

  • PAWS also gives out $PAWS tokens based on Telegram activity, account history and through social media activities on X

  • Keep your PAWS tokens secure by using official links, a secure wallet, and following only official PAWS updates.

What is PAWS?

Are your thumbs getting tired from tapping through the many different Telegram mini-app games? Now you can give your thumbs a break, because there’s a new game out called PAWS that's all about community and engagement. You’ll still have to tap the screen, but not in the repetitive motion seen with many other Telegram games (at least not yet).Let’s take a closer look at the Paws community app game, exploring how to play and earn with PAWS, the $PAWS airdrop, and how to keep your PAWS tokens safe.

The TON blockchain has become a hub for blockchain-powered mini-apps, and PAWS is another example that's caught the attention of millions of users. PAWS is designed to reward user engagement across popular Telegram TON gaming communities, such as Notcoin, DOGS, and Hamster Kombat.

The app allows you to earn rewards for completing simple tasks, but also by participating in other games that are connected to the TON blockchain.

Here’s how PAWS Community App works:

  • Community-driven rewards: In the mini-app, you earn $PAWS tokens based on your engagement within specific Telegram communities. Active participants receive $PAWS tokens for how long they’ve had their Telegram account, completing tasks, and inviting new members.

  • Referral program: For every friend you bring into PAWS community app, you gain a percentage of their rewards, adding a viral component that encourages community growth.

  • TON blockchain integration: PAWS runs on the TON blockchain. The network is known for its speed, low fees, and security. TON enables smooth global transactions and lowers costs, especially for individuals who prioritize low transaction fees.

PAWS community app is designed as a counterpart to the DOGS mini-app, taking the popular elements of DOGS and expanding on them within a unique rewards platform. PAWS' purpose is to foster a vibrant and engaged community within Telegram, bringing crypto rewards into spaces where the community already spends its time.

How to play and earn $PAWS tokens

Getting started with PAWS is easy, and it doesn’t take much time to start accumulating rewards. Your first reward comes from the bot checking how old your Telegram account is. From there, you can earn more $PAWS from different tasks in other TON games you’re connected to.

Let’s explore how you can make the most of your time in the game.

Set up the game on Telegram

  • Begin by searching for the PAWS bot on Telegram (@PAWSOG_bot) and opening a chat.

  • Follow the bot’s prompts to start the gameplay. It’s a quick process that only takes a few taps, making the PAWS setup beginner-friendly.

Participate in tasks and join communities

  • PAWS has partnerships with other Telegram-based games and communities like DOGS, Blum, X Empire, and Notcoin. By joining these partner groups or completing tasks, you can earn additional $PAWS.

  • The partnership element not only boosts your balance but also connects you with other TON games, making the experience more engaging.

PAWS voting
Source: PAWS

Source: PAWSPAWS has previously asked the community to vote on which Telegram-based game they considered the best out of Tomarket, Cats, and X Empire. Participants that voted for the winner received 10,000 $PAWS. This engagement tactic not only rewarded participation, it also encouraged Tomarket, Cats, and X Empire to reward their communities, too.

PAWS task
Source: PAWS

Above is an example of a social task from the PAWS Telegram group. If you have a furry friend, PAWS wanted you to show off their PAWS on X. By participating in the task, you could earn 2,000 $PAWS.

About the referral program

PAWS community app offers a referral program where you can invite friends and get a 10% bonus based on their earnings. Users can simply share their referral link to encourage others to join and expand the PAWS network. This feature helps players to earn crypto rewards by building their community and earning passively.

How to participate in the PAWS airdrop

The PAWS airdrop is a great way to get started with earning $PAWS tokens and joining the growing community. The airdrop rewards individuals active on Telegram with free tokens based on account age, social engagement, and community participation.

Participating in the PAWS airdrop is simple, but it’s good to know the key details to make sure you qualify for the rewards.

How do you keep your $PAWS safe?

When it comes to earning $PAWS tokens in the PAWS community app Telegram game, security is as important as strategy. With Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies hitting an all-time high, scammers are increasingly targeting the sometimes lucrative crypto space.

Keeping your tokens safe should be a top priority. Here are a few security measures to follow.

Use only official links

Access PAWS only through official links provided on the PAWS Telegram bot or their verified social media channels. Fake links can lead to phishing attempts, so using only trusted sources is crucial to keeping your $PAWS safe.

Secure Your TON wallet

Make sure to use a secure wallet with up-to-date security features. Always enable two-factor authentication if possible, and never share your wallet’s private keys with anyone. A secure TON wallet will help protect your assets from unauthorized access.

Stay updated with PAWS’s official channels

Following PAWS’ community app official Telegram and social media channels keeps you informed of the latest updates, security tips, and announcements. This proactive step helps you avoid scams and misinformation, as you’ll know what’s officially happening within the PAWS community app platform. Always look out for an official tick next to the channel's name.

PAWS X suspension
Source: PAWS

On November 9, X suspended PAWS’ X’s account due to highly unusual traffic.

PAWS account restored
Source: PAWS

However, the X account was eventually restored, which underlines why it’s important to pay attention to the project’s social accounts. Scammers take advantage of these events to prey on unsuspecting players.

Be part of the PAWS Community App

PAWS isn’t just another tap-to-earn game but a gateway to rewards, engagement, and the vibrant TON blockchain community. Whether you’re earning $PAWS through tasks, referrals, or simply showcasing your furry friend, this game turns casual participation into meaningful interactions. By combining simplicity with a community-driven rewards system, PAWS caters to both crypto vets and newcomers, making it an accessible and enjoyable way to earn rewards.


Go to Telegram, search for @PAWSOG_bot, open a chat, and follow the prompts to get started.

Yes. You can earn $PAWS by completing tasks, participating in games, and joining Telegram communities.

Through the referral program, when you invite friends to join PAWS, you'll earn a 10% bonus based on their earnings.

Use official links, secure your TON wallet, and only follow updates on PAWS' verified channels.

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