Marketplace API
Interact with different order types

Interact with different order types#

Order types can be divided into the OKX Aggregator contract and OKX NFT Market contract.

OKX Aggregator contract#

The OKX Aggregator API is trade, and this interface encapsulates the calldata needed to make calls to other markets.

function tradeV3(
    MarketRegistry.TradeDetails[] calldata tradeDetails,
    AggregatorParamV3[] calldata aggregatorParam,
    bool isAtomic
) external payable nonReentrant


MarketRegistry is the registration contract in which all other markets supported by the aggregator need in order to be registered.

struct TradeDetails {
  uint256 marketId;
  uint256 value;
  bytes32 orderHash;
  bytes tradeData;
marketIdMarketplace custom ID
valuePay amount of native tokens, such as ETH
orderHashOrder hash
tradeDataCalldata of transaction executed in other markets. Please refer to the Using Marketplace API section.


struct AggregatorParamV3 {
    uint256 actionType;
    uint256 payAmount;
    address payToken;
    address tokenAddress;
    uint256 tokenId;
    uint256 amount;
    uint256 tradeType;
    bytes extraData;
actionTypeOperation type, currently only supporting seaport1: _SEAPORT_BUY_ETH2: _SEAPORT_BUY_ERC203: _SEAPORT_ACCEPT
payAmountThe number of ERC-20 tokens used for order payment
payTokenERC-20 token address for order payment
tokenAddressThe token address of ERC-721/ERC-1155
tokenIdToken ID
amountToken amount
tradeType0: NATIVE, // ETH on mainnet, MATIC on Polygon1: ERC721,2: ERC1155,3: ERC721_WITH_CRITERIA,4: ERC1155_WITH_CRITERIA,5: ERC20
extraDataExtra data: address, address, address (order's maker, order's taker, approve contract's address)


Setting this to true means a revert action will happen if any order execution fails during batch order execution, and setting this to false means a revert does not happen.

OKX NFT market contract#

1. Listing#

Listing order means to list the NFT and wait for the buyer to purchase.
Order will be generated and signed during listing. Please refer to the retrieve Marketplace listing structure section.

2. Order execution#

Support interfaces of fulfillBasicOrder and fulfillAdvancedOrder

2.1 fulfillBasicOrder

function fulfillBasicOrder(BasicOrderParameters calldata parameters)
    returns (bool fulfilled);

Indices of fulfillBasicOrder interface are shown below:

struct BasicOrderParameters {
    address considerationToken; 
    uint256 considerationIdentifier; 
    uint256 considerationAmount; 
    address payable offerer; 
    address zone; 
    address offerToken; 
    uint256 offerIdentifier; 
    uint256 offerAmount; 
    BasicOrderType basicOrderType; 
    uint256 startTime; 
    uint256 endTime; 
    bytes32 zoneHash; 
    uint256 salt; 
    bytes32 offererConduitKey; 
    bytes32 fulfillerConduitKey; 
    uint256 totalOriginalAdditionalRecipients; 
    AdditionalRecipient[] additionalRecipients; 
    bytes signature; 

considerationToken: Consideration token address
considerationIdentifier: Consideration token ID considerationAmount: The number of consideration tokens
offerer: The account address of the offerer
zone: Order zone
offerToken: Address of the offer token
offerIdentifier: Offer token ID offerAmount: Number of the offer token
basicOrderType: Order type
startTime: Order effective time
endTime: Order expiration time
zoneHash: The hash value passed to the zone
salt: Order random entropy source
offererConduitKey: ConduitKey of the offerer
fulfillerConduitKey: ConduitKey of the fulfiller
totalOriginalAdditionalRecipients: The number of addresses that receives consideration tokens
additionalRecipients: Recipients of additional tokens
signature: Signature of the transaction executor

enum BasicOrderType {
    // 0: no partial fills, anyone can execute

    // 1: partial fills supported, anyone can execute

    // 2: no partial fills, only offerer or zone can execute

    // 3: partial fills supported, only offerer or zone can execute

    // 4: no partial fills, anyone can execute

    // 5: partial fills supported, anyone can execute

    // 6: no partial fills, only offerer or zone can execute

    // 7: partial fills supported, only offerer or zone can execute

    // 8: no partial fills, anyone can execute

    // 9: partial fills supported, anyone can execute

    // 10: no partial fills, only offerer or zone can execute

    // 11: partial fills supported, only offerer or zone can execute

    // 12: no partial fills, anyone can execute

    // 13: partial fills supported, anyone can execute

    // 14: no partial fills, only offerer or zone can execute

    // 15: partial fills supported, only offerer or zone can execute

    // 16: no partial fills, anyone can execute

    // 17: partial fills supported, anyone can execute

    // 18: no partial fills, only offerer or zone can execute

    // 19: partial fills supported, only offerer or zone can execute

    // 20: no partial fills, anyone can execute

    // 21: partial fills supported, anyone can execute

    // 22: no partial fills, only offerer or zone can execute

    // 23: partial fills supported, only offerer or zone can execute

2.2 fulfillAdvancedOrder

function fulfillAdvancedOrder(
        AdvancedOrder calldata advancedOrder,
        CriteriaResolver[] calldata criteriaResolvers,
        bytes32 fulfillerConduitKey
        address recipient
) external payable override returns (bool fulfilled)

Among them, the parameters fulfillerConduitKey, CriteriaResolver and AdvancedOrder are resolved as follows:

  • fulfillerConduitKey: Order executor's ConduitKey

  • recipient: Specifies the recipient address of the token. If it is not set, it defaults to msg.sender.

  • CriteriaResolver: The condition resolver used to verify whether the parameters such as the merkle path of the restriction are satisfied

    struct CriteriaResolver {
        uint256 orderIndex;
        Side side;
        uint256 index;
        uint256 identifier;
        bytes32[] criteriaProof;

    orderIndex: Specifies the order among multiple orders side: The offerer or its counterparty to the offer
    index: The index value of OfferItem or ConsiderationItem in the order
    identifier: The token id of the order transaction
    criteriaProof: Merkle proof

  • Advanced Order: Order indices

    struct AdvancedOrder {
        OrderParameters parameters;   
        uint120 numerator;   
        uint120 denominator;    
        bytes signature;    
        bytes extraData;   

    numerator: The numerator of the partial transaction
    denominator: Denominator of the partial transaction
    signature: Order signature
    parameters: Order parameters, as follows:

    struct OrderParameters {
        address offerer; 
        address zone; 
        OfferItem[] offer; 
        ConsiderationItem[] consideration; 
        OrderType orderType; 
        uint256 startTime; 
        uint256 endTime; 
        bytes32 zoneHash; 
        uint256 salt; 
        bytes32 conduitKey; 
        uint256 totalOriginalConsiderationItems; 

    offerer: Order quoter
    offer: The assets marked by the offerer
    Consideration: Assets the offerer receives after the order is fulfilled
    zone: The address of the account that can cancel an order and restrict parties to fulfill restricted order
    orderType: Order type. This supports a duo combination of open or restricted and complete or partial orders. Open orders can be executed by anyone, and restricted orders are those that can only be executed by the offerer or the zone.
    startTime: Order effective time
    endTime: Order expiration time
    zoneHash: The hash value used for the verification of restricted orders. The zone can decide whether to use the hash value. salt: Order random entropy source
    conduitKey: A bytes32 type value. conduitKey corresponds to a contract that can perform a token transfer on behalf of the order offerer. totalOriginalConsiderationItems: The number of consideration items. This parameter must be defined because the caller may pass in additional underlying assets.

  • OfferItem

    struct OfferItem {
        ItemType itemType;    
        address token;   
        uint256 identifierOrCriteria;    
        uint256 startAmount;    
        uint256 endAmount;    

    token: The address of the quote token
    identifierOrCriteria: This value can be 0, the value of a single token ID or the merkle root of token IDs startAmount: The initial quantity
    endAmount: The final amount. startAmount and endAmount are the same for fixed price orders, but in the auction endAmount would be greater or lesser than startAmount over time.

    Order type is expressed by ItemType:

    enum ItemType {
        // 0: ETH on mainnet, MATIC on polygon, etc.
        // 1: ERC20 items (ERC777 and ERC20 analogues could also technically work)
        // 2: ERC721 items
        // 3: ERC1155 items
        // 4: ERC721 items where a number of tokenIds are supported
        // 5: ERC1155 items where a number of ids are supported 

    NATIVE: Main chain token
    ERC721_WITH_CRITERIA: Multiple ERC-721 standard NFTs. Can be used with identifierOrCriteria
    ERC1155_WITH_CRITERIA: Multiple ERC-1155 standard NFTs. Can be used with identifierOrCriteria

    struct ConsiderationItem {
        ItemType itemType;
        address token;
        uint256 identifierOrCriteria;
        uint256 startAmount;
        uint256 endAmount;
        address payable recipient;

    ConsiderationItem and OfferItem almost have the same items. ConsiderationItem adds the recipient field to indicate which addresses will get the token from the order execution.

3. Order cancellation#

Support batch order cancellation. Only the offerer and the zone can cancel an order.

function cancel(OrderComponents[] calldata orders)
    returns (bool cancelled);

Data structure of OrderComponents:

struct OrderComponents {
    address offerer;
    address zone;
    OfferItem[] offer;
    ConsiderationItem[] consideration;
    OrderType orderType;
    uint256 startTime;
    uint256 endTime;
    bytes32 zoneHash;
    uint256 salt;
    bytes32 conduitKey;
    uint256 counter;

OrderComponents and OrderParameters have very similar parameters. The counter is a count of the transaction number.