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We're Spotlighting Onchain Innovation as Special Sponsor of Blockchain Life 2024 in Dubai

  • Our MENA General Manager Rifad Mahasneh will participate in a panel discussion titled "Web3 Emirates Today: Startup Hub and High-Competitive Reality" on October 22

Today, we're pleased to announce that we are a Special Sponsor of Blockchain Life 2024, a crypto- and Web3-focused forum to be held in Dubai's Festival Arena from October 22-23.

In addition to the sponsorship, our MENA General Manager Rifad Mahasneh will participate in a panel discussion titled "Web3 Emirates Today: Startup Hub and High-Competitive Reality" on day one of the conference. The panel, scheduled from 10:25 to 10:50 (UTC+4), will feature industry leaders including Dubai Blockchain Center CEO Dr. Marwan Alzarouni, Animoca Brands Founder and Executive Chairman Yat Siu and Abu Dhabi Blockchain Center CEO Abdulla Al Dhaheri. The panel will be moderated by Forbes Contributor and crypto lawyer Irina Heaver.

Event attendees and potential partners who visit our booth (A14) will have the opportunity to engage with representatives from our team. Those who mint an NFT via our OKX Wallet will also have the opportunity to receive exclusive branded swag, including tote bags and t-shirts.

Our participation as a Special Sponsor at Blockchain Life 2024 underscores our commitment to the UAE's growing crypto and Web3 ecosystem. With our exchange having just gone live in the UAE, we are excited to continue engaging with industry leaders and innovators, showcasing our latest onchain innovations and contributing to the dialogue shaping the future of finance in the region.

This sponsorship follows our recent milestone in the region: as of October 10, 2024, we are operationally live and licensed in the UAE. With the announcement, our firm became the first global crypto company in the UAE to offer AED banking rails for its retail and institutional customers.

Blockchain Life 2024 is set to attract over 10,000 participants from 120 countries, bringing together key players from across the crypto ecosystem. Representatives from crypto funds, government officials, miners, developers, and startups will convene to discuss the future of cryptocurrencies and the onchain space. This prestigious event offers attendees a unique opportunity to network, collaborate and explore cutting-edge innovations shaping the industry.

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