
Jocurile pe blockchain sunt orice jocuri care conțin elemente de blockchain și prezintă produse financiare descentralizate prin joc. Pe baza serviciilor financiare descentralizate, jocurile blockchain îi recompensează pe jucători cu active cripto în joc.

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Imagine NFT
The Lost Glitches




-29,52 %
<p><strong>The Lost Glitches</strong></p> <p>The Lost Glitches is an innovative TCG+RPG developed by Honig Studios and published by Mimunga, an indie gaming powerhouse known for award-winning games. Our team of over 30 seasoned professionals, including veterans from Blizzard, RIOT, Nintendo, PlayStation, META ensures that every game we create is a masterpiece.</p> <p><br></p> <p>Players immerse themselves in a beautifully designed collection of cards with unique abilities, set in a captivating cyberpunk world centered on tech-optimism. TLG offers engaging modes, stylized graphics, and captivating gameplay that appeals to trading card enthusiasts and those drawn to coding and hacking culture.</p> <p><br></p> <p><strong>Utility and Web3 Integration</strong></p> <p>While rooted in classic Free-to-Play principles, The Lost Glitches integrates WEB3 technologies, offering a seamless experience for traditional players while introducing NFTs and real trading mechanisms. This dual approach respects every player's style, whether they prefer traditional gaming or WEB3.</p> <p><br></p> <p><strong>True TCG Experience</strong></p> <p>Combining the depth of a TCG with immersive RPG elements, TLG offers a competitive strategy experience for the emerging coder culture, where nothing is left to chance.</p> <p><br></p> <p><strong>Appealing to Gamers and Web3 Enthusiasts</strong></p> <p>The Lost Glitches is more than just a game; it's a community. Our players embrace new technologies with a positive outlook. Whether you're a traditional gamer or a Web3 enthusiast, TLG offers an inclusive and dynamic environment where you can truly own your gaming experience.</p> <p><br></p> <p><strong>Fully Funded and Releasing This Year</strong></p> <p>We are proud to announce that The Lost Glitches is fully funded and on track for release this year. Our dedicated team is ensuring that every aspect of the game meets the highest standards of quality and innovation.</p> <p><br></p> <p><br></p>
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