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Six new tools to spot trends, track sentiment and trade smarter

The crypto market moves at the speed of light, like E=mc²—one minute you're up, the next, you're wondering why a meme coin just 10x’d while your bags are stuck in the mud. Finding the right token means constantly jumping between platforms, news sources, and influencer tweets.Now you can spot trends, track sentiment, and make smarter moves. No more tab-hopping. Just streamlined crypto research at your fingertips.

OKX Feed: Your alpha hub for trading opportunities

Keeping up with crypto narratives can feel like chasing a squirrel on caffeine. OKX Feed cuts through the noise by aggregating insights from top traders and influencers.

Why it matters

  • Track sentiment shifts and make informed moves before the crowd catches on.

  • Use it to generate fresh content ideas, monitor whale activity, or stay ahead of the next meta.

OKX feed new tools

Learn more: Find out how to use OKX Feed

Market Cap Trendline: Watch token value like a hawk

Ever wondered why some coins pop while others flop? The Market Cap Trendline lets you track how an asset’s total value changes over time, making it easier to spot trends before they explode.

  • Best paired with price data for meme coins and Alts to spot trends.

  • Helps track a token’s performance.

  • Helps you to understand market sentiment and get a sense of the overall market’s health.

Market cap trendline new tools

Learn more: How do I find the Market Cap feature?

Token Unlocks Data: Know when the floodgates open

Nothing wrecks a chart faster than a massive token unlock catching traders off guard. With Token Unlocks Data now baked into the OKX App and web, you can track upcoming unlocks, analyze tokenomics, and gauge potential price impact—without the need for third-party tools.

  • Unlock progress & event schedules

  • Allocation & vesting details

  • Past & future unlock tracking

Token unlocks data new tools

Learn more: How do I find the Token Unlocks Feature?

Economic Calendar: Track macro events without leaving the chart

Crypto doesn’t exist in a vacuum. Interest rates, inflation, GDP reports—macro moves can make or break your trades. We’ve added major US economic events directly to the OKX charts, so you can see how they impact crypto prices in real time.

  • Track high-impact events like interest rates, inflation, and GDP

  • Look into future events (up to 1 month) and historical data (up to 4 years)

  • Similar to TradingView, but built into OKX

Economic calendar new tools

Learn more: How to turn on the Economic Calendar?

Custom Interval: Chart on your own terms

Sick of standard timeframes? Now you can set your own. Whether you want 2-week candles or a 20-minute view, Custom Interval gives you control over your charts.

  • Support Minutes, hours, days, weeks, and months

  • For real degen scalpers, support in seconds will be available soon.

Custom interval new tools

Learn more: How do i use the Custom Interval Feature?

Custom Formula: Your personal trading calculator

Want to chart SOL vs BTC? With Custom Formula, you can build your indicators using +, -, * and / operations and find out which pair is stronger - SOL/BTC vs ETH/BTC. Compare two trading pairs side by side and identify the trend.

Custom formula new tools

Learn more: How do i use the Custom Formula Feature?

Final words

These features help you spot trends, track market sentiment, and make smarter trades. Ready to level up your trading? Explore these tools today, now available on OKX.

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