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Onchain Weekly #3: Exchange vs Wallet. Let us help you

Onchain Weekly #3

Discover the latest product updates, stories, and innovations from the OKX Wallet team.

This week, three things to understand about toggling from Exchange to Wallet on OKX.

Wallet toggle

1. Self-custody in a single swipe

Secured by OKX, controlled by you. It might seem like we're stating the obvious. But let's be very clear about this. When you create a self-custody wallet with OKX, you, and only you, have access to your funds and data. OKX doesn't take custody of your assets, and your wallet is secured by private keys and a seed phrase that you control.

What this means for you

  • Full control of your assets and data

  • Privacy and peace of mind that your funds are onchain and secure

  • The easiest way to move funds between custodial (Exchange) and self-custodial (Wallet)


2. Access tokens from any chain

We've all been there, right? A friend recommends a new token, but it's not on Ethereum or Solana and it's just too much effort to download a new wallet, or even bridge tokens to a new network for a swap. So we give up — opportunity gone. We've got you. The OKX Wallet supports tokens from 100+ networks, including Ethereum, Bitcoin, Solana, and Base — be that large-caps, memecoins, blue-chips, or free-mints.

What this means for you

  • Access new tokens or chains, without having to download a new wallet each time.

  • Store your Ethereum, Solana, Bitcoin, and tokens in one place.

  • See your net worth across all chains in one wallet.

Onchain Anychain

3. Manage, swap and explore anything onchain

300,000 tokens and 3 million collectibles.

The OKX Wallet is much more than a secure place to store your crypto and collectibles onchain. For example, did you know that when you swap tokens using OKX Wallet, we find you the best deal from over 400 decentralized exchanges?

OKX Wallet has four native apps

Trade: Super-fast onchain swaps

Marketplace: NFTs, collectibles, and artist launchpad on any chain

DeFi: Rewarding onchain yield

Discover: 10,000+ onchain apps

What this means for you

  • Access to the newest tokens. Try for yourself by pasting a contract address into 'Manage Tokens'.

  • Confidence to explore anything onchain.

And the best part? It's free to use.

That's right. We charge zero platform fees to use OKX Wallet.Why? Because accessibility, transparency, and control are in our DNA — and we believe it's the best experience for you.

So go ahead, try swiping right and let us know how you get on.

The OKX Wallet Team - Onchain, any chain.

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