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Marketing communication - We're Live in Belgium!

Marketing Communication Virtual currencies, real risks. The only guarantee in crypto is risk. Warning

  • The value of your virtual currencies can rise or fall sharply, and your initial investment may be lost completely;

  • Virtual currencies are not covered by the guarantee funds that cover bank deposits;

  • There is no legal mechanism on the virtual currencies market to prevent market manipulation or insider dealing;

  • Virtual currencies depend entirely on a specific computer technology and infrastructure, which in certain cases may be very recent and not yet adequately tested;

  • If one loses the identification code or password giving access to the virtual wallet in which the virtual currency is stored, the currency held therein will be irretrievably lost;

  • Virtual currencies are currently accepted as a means of payment to a limited extent, and in most countries there is no legal obligation to accept them;

  • For more information about the risks associated with an investment in virtual currencies, we advise you to read the Wikifin page What is a cryptocurrency? | Wikifin.

We're Live in Belgium

By OKX Europe GM Erald Ghoos

One of the key focuses for OKX has been to bring our technology and exchange services to various markets. Just in the last year, we introduced our services in Australia, Turkey, Brazil, Netherlands, UAE and Singapore.

Today, we are excited to announce our rollout in Belgium that builds on our expansion plans in Europe. This follows our recent successful entry into the Netherlands market and the announcement of our MiCA hub in Malta, where we obtained our Class 4 Virtual Financial Assets (VFA) Service Provider license in 2021.

Residents of Belgium can now finally use OKX to build their crypto portfolio and learn ways to trade crypto using OKX Learn, a portal full of educational materials for new entrants.

Our Product in Belgium

We aim to make OKX a customer-friendly, convenient, and affordable crypto exchange for Belgian customers to build their crypto portfolios.

To do so, we focus on delivering a localized product tailored for our Belgian customers. One of the standout features here is our integration with Bancontact, the nation's leading payment system. This allows for instant and free Euro deposits and free withdrawals free of charge. Another integration is with Belgium's popular identification app, itsme, which enables our Belgian customers to register for an account effortlessly and smoothly.

To summarize, Belgian customers have access to:

  1. 200+ crypto assets;

  2. 60+ crypto/Euro trading pairs;

  3. Easy funding option through integration with Bancontact, a leading payment system;

  4. Free deposits and withdrawals via SEPA. Check our complete fee structure here;

  5. Simple and fast onboarding using Belgium's popular identity app (itsme);

  6. A new user bonus of €20 in bitcoin, when you purchase at least €10 worth of crypto in a single transaction within 14 days after registration. The mechanism works on a 'first come, first served' basis, up to 50,000 users.

Why Belgium?

The introduction of our centralized exchange and OKX Wallet in Belgium is part of our broader strategy to build a strong presence in high-potential European markets.

Known for their tech-savvy and forward-thinking nature, the Belgians are a perfect match for our crypto solutions. By establishing a presence here, we aim to empower Belgian customers with greater access to digital assets.

Our growth is driven by a desire to cater to the unique needs of each local market. The Belgium launch not only signifies our dedication to the Benelux region but also highlights our broader strategy to lead in the European crypto space through continuous innovation, transparency, and customer centric-services.

We invite you to download the app, visit us at, and reach out to our Support team to get in touch.

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Acest articol/anunț este oferit în scopuri informative generale și nu acceptăm nicio responsabilitate sau răspundere pentru erori sau fapte sau omisiuni exprimate aici. Acest conținut poate acoperi produse care nu sunt disponibile în regiunea dvs. Acesta nu este menit să ofere nicio recomandare investițională, fiscală sau juridică și nici nu ar trebui considerat o ofertă de a cumpăra, vinde, deține sau oferi servicii referitoare la active digitale.
Activele digitale, inclusiv criptomonedele stabile, presupun un grad ridicat de risc și pot fluctua foarte mult. Ar trebui să analizați cu atenție dacă tranzacționarea sau deținerea activelor digitale este potrivită pentru dvs. pe baza situației dvs. financiare și a toleranței dvs. la riscuri. OKX nu oferă recomandări pentru investiții sau active. Sunteți exclusiv responsabil pentru deciziile dvs. de investiții, iar compania OKX nu este responsabilă pentru nicio pierdere potențială. Performanța trecută nu indică rezultatele viitoare. Consultați un specialist în domeniul juridic/fiscal/al investițiilor dacă aveți întrebări despre circumstanțele dvs. specifice. Funcțiile OKX Web3, inclusiv OKX Web3 Wallet și OKX NFT Marketplace, sunt supuse unor termeni separați privind serviciile, pe care îi puteți accesa la
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