Terra price

Terra price

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Terra market info

Market cap
Market cap is calculated by multiplying the circulating supply with its latest price. Market cap = Circulating supply × Last price
Circulating supply
The amount of this crypto that is publicly available in the market
Market cap ranking
The asset’s ranking in terms of market cap value
All-time high
The historically highest price an asset has reached during its trading history
Market cap
Circulating supply
687,660,230 LUNA
Market cap ranking
24h high
24h low
All-time high

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Terra price performance in USD

The current price of Terra is $0.36330. Since 00:00 UTC, Terra has increased by +0.64%. It currently has a circulating supply of 687,660,230 LUNA and a maximum supply of 1,078,518,456 LUNA, giving it a fully diluted market cap of $249.83M. At present, Terra holds the 127 position in market cap rankings. The Terra/USD price is updated in real-time.
7 days
30 days
3 months

About Terra (LUNA)

The rating provided is an aggregated rating collected by OKX from the sources provided and is for informational purpose only. OKX does not guarantee the quality or accuracy of the ratings. It is not intended to provide (i) investment advice or recommendation; (ii) an offer or solicitation to buy, sell or hold digital assets; or (iii) financial, accounting, legal or tax advice. Digital assets, including stablecoins and NFTs, involve a high degree of risk, can fluctuate greatly, and can even become worthless. The price and performance of the digital assets are not guaranteed and may change without notice. Your digital assets are not covered by insurance against potential losses. Historical returns are not indicative of future returns. OKX does not guarantee any return, repayment of principal or interest. OKX does not provide investment or asset recommendations. You should carefully consider whether trading or holding digital assets is suitable for you in light of your financial condition. Please consult your legal/ tax/ investment professional for questions about your specific circumstances.
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Following its inception, the Terra 2.0 ecosystem has launched 44 distinct projects encompassing various sectors, such as finance, non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and gaming.

Terra is an open-source blockchain platform fostering an extensive ecosystem comprising decentralized applications (dApps) and developer tools. Leveraging the underlying Cosmos (ATOM) blockchain framework, Terra has achieved remarkable speed, positioning itself as one of the swiftest blockchains available, capable of processing up to 10,000 transactions per second (TPS).

The Terra team

Daniel Shin and Do Kwon launched the original Terra project in January 2018. As a result of the 2022 collapse, Do Kwon issued a revival plan that led to the creation of Terra 2.0 and Terra Classic blockchains. Now, Terra is a community-owned blockchain where decisions are reached via decentralized voting.

How does Terra work

Following the blockchain fork in May 2022, Terra embarked on a new journey known as Genesis, where the network was built from scratch. Terra’s primary objective is to construct a permissionless and borderless digital economy that can support the next wave of innovative financial products. Leveraging frameworks from the Cosmos blockchain, Terra has achieved a remarkable level of throughput, enabling high transaction processing capacity.

Terra maintains compatibility with the Cosmos ecosystem by retaining the Cosmos SDK (software development kit), empowering developers to create high-performance dApps on the Terra chain. To optimize and enhance the core functionality of the network, Terra employs a unique set of codes referred to as Mantlemint.

These codes enable Terra to deliver a fast and optimized experience, efficiently serving a substantial number of user queries. As outlined in the Terra white paper, a Mantlemint node is capable of performing three to four times more queries than a standard Secret Node.

In terms of consensus mechanism, Terra utilizes a distinctive approach called Tendermint, which relies on a proprietary Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) Proof of Stake (PoS) infrastructure. This consensus mechanism leverages partially synchronous communication to ensure agreement among network participants, facilitating secure and efficient consensus within the Terra ecosystem.

The native token of the Terra 2.0 Ecosystem: LUNA

LUNA is the native token of the new Terra or Terra 2.0 blockchain. It is used for decentralized governance of the Terra 2.0 ecosystem. LUNA holders are given the right to vote on decisions that influence the future of the platform, making them stakeholders in Terra's ecosystem.

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Number of posts mentioning a token in the last 24h. This can help gauge the level of interest surrounding this token.
Number of individuals posting about a token in the last 24h. A higher number of contributors can suggest improved token performance.
Sum of socially-driven online engagement in the last 24h, such as likes, comments, and reposts. High engagement levels can indicate strong interest in a token.
Percentage score reflecting post sentiment in the last 24h. A high percentage score correlates with positive sentiment and can indicate improved market performance.
Volume rank
Volume refers to post volume in the last 24h. A higher volume ranking reflects a token’s favored position relative to other tokens.
In the last 24 hours, there have been 4.2K new posts about Terra, driven by 983 contributors, and total online engagement reached 11M social interactions. The sentiment score for Terra currently stands at 68%. Compared to all cryptocurrencies, post volume for Terra currently ranks at 555. Keep an eye on changes to social metrics as they can be key indicators of the influence and reach of Terra.
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Volume rank




What is the difference between Terra (LUNA) and Terra Classic (LUNC)?

Terra (LUNA) and Terra Classic (LUNC) are two independent blockchains resulting from the collapse of the Terra ecosystem in 2022. Terra is the new fork, while TerraClassic is the original blockchain.

What is Terra vesting?

Terra vesting refers to a mechanism implemented to control the trading of LUNA tokens received through airdrops until a specified date. The vesting period is in place to prevent users’ who were airdropped the Terra 2.0 token from dumping the tokens on the open market. 

What is the LUNA price prediction?
While it’s challenging to predict the exact future price of LUNA, you can combine various methods like technical analysis, market trends, and historical data to make informed decisions.
How much is Terra worth today?
Currently, one Terra is worth $0.36330. For answers and insight into Terra's price action, you're in the right place. Explore the latest Terra charts and trade responsibly with OKX.
What is cryptocurrency?
Cryptocurrencies, such as Terra, are digital assets that operate on a public ledger called blockchains. Learn more about coins and tokens offered on OKX and their different attributes, which includes live prices and real-time charts.
When was cryptocurrency invented?
Thanks to the 2008 financial crisis, interest in decentralized finance boomed. Bitcoin offered a novel solution by being a secure digital asset on a decentralized network. Since then, many other tokens such as Terra have been created as well.
The social content on this page ("Content"), including but not limited to tweets and statistics provided by LunarCrush, is sourced from third parties and provided "as is" for informational purposes only. OKX does not guarantee the quality or accuracy of the Content, and the Content does not represent the views of OKX. It is not intended to provide (i) investment advice or recommendation; (ii) an offer or solicitation to buy, sell or hold digital assets; or (iii) financial, accounting, legal or tax advice. Digital assets, including stablecoins and NFTs, involve a high degree of risk, can fluctuate greatly. The price and performance of the digital assets are not guaranteed and may change without notice. OKX does not provide investment or asset recommendations. You should carefully consider whether trading or holding digital assets is suitable for you in light of your financial condition. Please consult your legal/ tax/ investment professional for questions about your specific circumstances. For further details, please refer to our Terms of Use and Risk Warning.
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