Milo Inu price

Milo Inu price

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Milo Inu market info

Market cap
Market cap is calculated by multiplying the circulating supply with its latest price. Market cap = Circulating supply × Last price
Circulating supply
The amount of this crypto that is publicly available in the market
Market cap ranking
The asset’s ranking in terms of market cap value
All-time high
The historically highest price an asset has reached during its trading history
Market cap
Circulating supply
296,700,000,000,000 MILO
Market cap ranking
24h high
24h low
All-time high

MILO calculator


Milo Inu price performance in USD

The current price of Milo Inu is $0.000000019950. Since 00:00 UTC, Milo Inu has increased by +2.94%. It currently has a circulating supply of 296,700,000,000,000 MILO and a maximum supply of 690,000,000,000,000 MILO, giving it a fully diluted market cap of $5.92M. At present, Milo Inu holds the 0 position in market cap rankings. The Milo Inu/USD price is updated in real-time.
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About Milo Inu (MILO)

The rating provided is an aggregated rating collected by OKX from the sources provided and is for informational purpose only. OKX does not guarantee the quality or accuracy of the ratings. It is not intended to provide (i) investment advice or recommendation; (ii) an offer or solicitation to buy, sell or hold digital assets; or (iii) financial, accounting, legal or tax advice. Digital assets, including stablecoins and NFTs, involve a high degree of risk, can fluctuate greatly, and can even become worthless. The price and performance of the digital assets are not guaranteed and may change without notice. Your digital assets are not covered by insurance against potential losses. Historical returns are not indicative of future returns. OKX does not guarantee any return, repayment of principal or interest. OKX does not provide investment or asset recommendations. You should carefully consider whether trading or holding digital assets is suitable for you in light of your financial condition. Please consult your legal/ tax/ investment professional for questions about your specific circumstances.
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In the dynamic landscape of meme coins within the cryptocurrency space, new contenders are always emerging, aiming to carve their niche among the ranks of tokens like Dogecoin (DOGE), Shiba Inu (SHIB), and Pepe (PEPE). One such project is Milo Inu (MILO).

What is Milo Inu

Similar to Dogecoin (DOGE), Milo Inu is a dog-based meme cryptocurrency. Its objective is to establish a widely recognized brand, encompassing not just the crypto sphere but also the global community. Unlike tokens solely driven by speculative gains, Milo Inu is based on a series of animations, which extends to non-fungible tokens (NFT), GameFi, virtual mail, physical dolls, and more.

The Milo Inu team

Like various other meme coins, the development team has chosen to maintain anonymity.

How does Milo Inu work

Milo Inu boasts a diverse range of offerings encompassing NFTs, toys, figurines, and more. The project allocates all generated funds toward liquidity generation.

Furthermore, Milo Inu is actively crafting its GameFi named "Milo’s World." This expansive metaverse is set to encompass an assortment of games and a virtual mall where MILO serves as an accepted mode of payment. The inaugural game within this universe, "Dog Friends," revolves around nurturing dogs and participating in engaging PvP gameplay.

Beyond this, Milo Inu is strategically collaborating with esteemed brands to fortify its brand presence and recognition within the market.

MILO tokenomics

Milo Inu is powered by its native cryptocurrency, MILO, which was introduced on February 21, 2022, with a total supply of 690 trillion MILO tokens. Within the Milo Inu ecosystem, two tokens, MILO and CLOAK, collaborate harmoniously to uphold the project's functionality. While CLOAK is tied to NFTs, featuring an exclusive array of artworks crafted by artists, MILO is fungible, facilitating trading. Moreover, MILO serves versatile purposes, including utilization in the project's game and the acquisition of NFTs.

MILO token distribution

MILO is distributed as follows:

  • 42 percent: Burned
  • 25 percent: Locked on PancakeSwap for 69 years
  • 5 percent: Sold to institutional investors
  • 10 percent: Set aside for the play-to-earn (P2E) model, with a vesting period of 6 months
  • 5 percent: Development team
  • 12 percent: Marketing purposes, listing, and other operations
  • 1 percent: Airdrops
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What is Milo Inu (MILO)?

Milo Inu is a meme-inspired cryptocurrency project that aims to establish a recognizable brand through a diverse range of applications, such as animations, NFTs, GameFi, virtual collectibles, and more.

What does Milo Inu's metaverse entail?

Milo Inu's metaverse, known as "Milo’s World," encompasses a diverse range of offerings, from games to a virtual mall. In this metaverse, MILO serves as a means of payment. The first game within the metaverse, "Dog Friends," offers gameplay involving raising dogs and engaging in PvP interactions. 

What is the MILO price prediction?
While it’s challenging to predict the exact future price of MILO, you can combine various methods like technical analysis, market trends, and historical data to make informed decisions.
How much is Milo Inu worth today?
Currently, one Milo Inu is worth $0.000000019950. For answers and insight into Milo Inu's price action, you're in the right place. Explore the latest Milo Inu charts and trade responsibly with OKX.
What is cryptocurrency?
Cryptocurrencies, such as Milo Inu, are digital assets that operate on a public ledger called blockchains. Learn more about coins and tokens offered on OKX and their different attributes, which includes live prices and real-time charts.
When was cryptocurrency invented?
Thanks to the 2008 financial crisis, interest in decentralized finance boomed. Bitcoin offered a novel solution by being a secure digital asset on a decentralized network. Since then, many other tokens such as Milo Inu have been created as well.

MILO calculator