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What are cypto exchange tokens? Top exchange tokens in 2024

Crypto exchange tokens enable individuals to engage with the trading platform that issues them. Like loyalty programs, these tokens provide advantages such as lower trading costs and involvement in decision-making processes. Their worth depends on their usefulness, popularity, and the trustworthiness of the exchange behind the assets.

As crypto adoption grows, so too does competition among centralized exchanges (CEXs). As a consequence, many exchanges have launched their own native tokens as a means of providing better value to users. In this article, we'll explore what crypto exchange tokens are, how they're valued, and their benefits to holders, while also looking at some of the leading exchange tokens available today.


  • Crypto exchange tokens were introduced in 2017, offering platform-specific benefits like reduced fees and governance participation.

  • These tokens, commonly classified as utility tokens, hold value through various factors including usefulness, market demand, and the exchange's reputation.

  • Exchange token holders can enjoy various advantages, such as reduced trading fees, voting privileges, and staking benefits, which increase user involvement with the exchange.

  • The success of these tokens is shaped by advancements in technology and their impact on the DeFi industry, which could result in greater functionality and incorporation into various platforms.

  • As the cryptocurrency world continues to change, there's uncertainty surrounding how technological progress will affect the role and value of exchange tokens within the larger DeFi community.

What are crypto exchange tokens?

Crypto exchange tokens, which emerged around 2017, are a particular class of digital tokens issued by cryptocurrency exchanges. These tokens, often categorized as utility tokens, serve various purposes within the ecosystems of their issuing platforms.

They're designed to offer benefits to the exchange's users, similar to a loyalty program with rewards. These advantages include reduced trading fees, rewards for market makers who add liquidity to the exchange, and sometimes even limited governance rights and airdrops. The value and benefits of holding such tokens are typically proportional to the number of tokens held by an individual.

Meanwhile, certain exchanges have implemented repurchase initiatives, where a percentage of profits or commission earnings are allocated towards buying back tokens from traders and then destroying them. This can decrease the available supply and drive up the worth of the remaining tokens.

Unlike Bitcoin and Ethereum, exchange tokens are distinct in that they belong to their own blockchains and are mainly used for transferring value. Conversely, tokens are created on established blockchains with a defined purpose, making it easier to access and use the wider crypto-economic network they are a part of.

How are crypto exchange tokens valued?

Assessing the worth of cryptocurrency exchange tokens is a complex task that requires careful consideration of various factors, including their utility, demand in the market, and supply mechanisms. The utility of these tokens is critical in determining their value, as they can improve liquidity on the exchange, motivate trading, and help with community governance. These particular features directly affect demand, as more users are expected to keep or exchange their exchange tokens to gain the benefits, ultimately leading to a rise in their worth.

Supply mechanisms, such as token burns and buy-back programs, play a significant role in the token's worth. By reducing the circulating supply of tokens, exchanges can create scarcity, driving up the token's value. For example, Binance has pledged to reduce the supply of its native token, BNB. Binance burned over $450 million worth of BNB tokens in a planned burn, creating a deflationary effect that could enhance the token's long-term value.

Market demand for exchange tokens also depends on the overall performance and credibility of the exchange itself. Factors such as exchange security, user experience, and the range of services offered can influence user preference and, consequently, the demand for the exchange's token.

While these tokens are closely tied to the success and operational efficiency of their issuing exchanges, they don't usually bring any legal rights to holders, differentiating them from traditional equity in a business.

What are the benefits of holding crypto exchange tokens?

Holding crypto exchange tokens offers many benefits that enhance the trading experience and provide financial rewards. Tokens from cryptocurrency exchanges play a crucial role in the functioning of their ecosystems, providing various benefits such as discounted trading fees, involvement in decision-making processes, and the ability to earn staking rewards.

One major advantage of owning exchange tokens is the chance to obtain reduced trading fees. For instance, Binance Coin holders can use BNB to cover various transactions and services on the Binance platform at a discounted price. At the same time, KuCoin Token users receive varying discounts on trading fees based on the quantity of KCS they own. This process motivates individuals to increase their involvement with the platform and keep their tokens, promoting a stronger and more sustainable environment.

Exchange tokens often allow their holders to make decisions and participate in the platform's development through governance rights. Users may also participate in decision-making processes, such as voting for new features or modifications to the platform, which promotes a more democratic and user-centric trading atmosphere.

What's more, staking your exchange tokens opens the door to staking rewards. Many exchanges offer extra tokens to people who stake their assets. This encourages users to keep staking exchange tokens on the platform and hold them long-term.

One other key area of utility for exchange tokens is their role in enabling transactions within their specific blockchain communities. The assets can be used to cover gas fees, adding value to the token beyond its exchange purpose and incorporating it into the larger blockchain network.

The top nine crypto exchange tokens (CRO)

  • Launch and purpose: Cronos was launched in November 2021 as a decentralized, EVM-compatible blockchain built atop the Cosmos network. The platform was designed to support Web3, GameFi, DeFi applications, and NFTs.

  • Utilities of CRO coin: With the migration of CRO from an ERC-20 standard to a native Chain cryptocurrency, it technically became a coin. The CRO coin offers holders bonus rewards and exclusive opportunities across the Exchange, Supercharger, Trading Arena, DeFi Wallet, and more


  • SEC-approved security token: The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission has identified the initial INX digital currency as a security, providing improved assurance and protection for its holders.

  • Trading fee discounts: Up to 40% off trading fees.

ASD (Ascendex Token)

  • Dividends and participation in IEOs: Holders can receive rewards for locking the token and participating in Initial Exchange Offerings (IEOs).

  • Previously known as BTMX: Demonstrates its beginnings and development as an element of the Ascendex platform.

BNB (Binance Coin)

  • Discounts on exchange fees: Using BNB to pay fees on Binance offers significant discounts. These fees include exchange, withdrawal, and listing fees.

  • Burn mechanism: Binance uses a quarterly strategy of buying back and burning BNB to decrease the overall supply and boost its value in the long term.

KCS (KuCoin Token)

  • Exchange fee discounts: Like BNB, KCS also provides reduced trading fees.

  • Buy-back and burn mechanism: Some of the token earnings are allocated towards purchasing and destroying KCS, with the goal of decreasing the overall supply and potentially boosting its worth.

GT (GateToken)

  • Discounts and first access: Provides reduced trading fees and early access to recently launched tokens.

  • DeFi staking rewards: On the Gate platform, individuals who hold assets can receive staking rewards as part of the DeFi ecosystem.

  • Ethereum and Solana networks: Offers expanded functionality and scope by operating on both the Ethereum and Solana blockchains.

BEST (Bitpanda Ecosystem Token)

  • Operates on Ethereum: Uses the trusted and popular Ethereum blockchain.

  • Burn feature: Includes a system that regularly decreases the overall amount of BEST, potentially raising its worth.

  • Rewards for trading and quizzes: Provides incentives for engaging in trades and taking part in quizzes.

How do crypto exchange tokens enhance platform security?

Crypto exchange tokens play a role in strengthening the safety and honesty of trading platforms, helping to create a more dependable and secure atmosphere for users. These tokens serve not only as a utility within the exchange system but also as a means of minimizing risk and promoting trust among multiple parties.

By integrating exchange tokens into the platform's governance model, exchanges can foster a sense of shared responsibility among users. Exchanges can also empower token holders to vote on critical decisions, including security policies. This decentralization of decision making can lead to more robust security measures, as a broader section of the community scrutinizes proposed changes or upgrades. The governance aspect of tokens therefore plays a crucial role in proactive risk management and the continuous improvement of security protocols.

Meanwhile, exchange tokens contribute to the platform's ability to withstand market manipulation and security threats. A well-functioning market can better manage unexpected events, minimizing the potential for deliberate attacks fueled by volatility. Additionally, incentivizing users with tokens to provide liquidity allows exchanges to create a more stable and safe trading atmosphere.

What's the future of crypto exchange tokens?

The future of crypto exchange tokens has great potential, shaped by innovation, regulatory landscapes, and their integration into the broader DeFi sector. Due to advancements in technology and changes in the market, these tokens are expected to grow in usefulness and adoption within their individual exchange systems.

As the cryptocurrency sector develops, the line between centralized and decentralized platforms becomes more indistinct. New developments such as proof of solvency and hybrid models that combine the best features of centralized and decentralized exchanges (DEXs) are emerging as potential remedies for existing drawbacks, particularly concerning safety and reliability.

New ways to protect privacy and security in transactions, like ZK-SNARKs, are being used. Decentralized governance models are also being put in place. These changes show that the industry is moving toward platforms that are more open, safer, and focused on the user.

What's more, exchange tokens are growing in importance in the DeFi ecosystem. Today they're used for more than just trading but also for liquidity provisioning, staking, and governance, making them more valuable and useful.

The movement towards cross-chain compatibility and the smooth merging of exchange tokens among various blockchain networks and DeFi systems is expected to continue. That's driven by growing demand for interoperability and a streamlined crypto ecosystem overall.

The final word

Tokens issued by crypto exchanges offer various advantages such as lower trading fees and selected decision-making powers for holders to enhance user involvement. Their worth is closely connected to their usefulness, market trends, and the credibility of the exchange that released them, impacting their demand and value. Holding these tokens gives users incentives, participation in decision-making, and staking — further integrating them within the platform's environment.

As exchange tokens adapt to advancements and their involvement in the DeFi industry increases, they're headed towards greater usefulness, acceptance, and incorporation. Given the constantly changing nature of the cryptocurrency market, what impact could technological developments have on the future usefulness and market position of tokens used for crypto exchanges?

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