Ticket Link: 2025 Hong Kong Web3 Festival NFT Tickets
Event Overview
The Web3 Festival, created by Wanxiang Blockchain Labs and HashKey Group and organized by W3ME, stands as a premier event in the Web3 ecosystem.
The 2023 and 2024 Hong Kong Web3 Festivals set the stage for innovation, featuring over 250 groundbreaking projects, 800+ industry leaders, and drawing more than 80,000 attendees. Highlights included speeches from Financial Secretary Paul Chan Mo-po, Ethereum Co-founder Vitalik Buterin, and ARK Invest CEO Cathie Wood.
The 2025 Hong Kong Web3 Festival will take place from April 6 to April 9, 2025, at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. The 2025 festival will dive into pivotal Web3 themes, convening global experts, top projects, and regulators to discuss future trends and solutions shaping the industry.
As the festival’s title sponsor, OKX Web3 invites you to enjoy a 15% discount on NFT tickets. Unlock this exclusive offer via the OKX Web3 Wallet and gain access to a seamless ticketing experience.
Ticket holders can look forward to a four-day pass, expedited entry through dedicated verification lanes, and exclusive on-site gifts.
How to Purchase Tickets
Step 1: Prepare Your Wallet and Funds (Skip if already completed)
Create or import an OKX Web3 Wallet.
Transfer or trade on the Arbitrum chain to acquire sufficient USDT and reserve enough AEB_ETH for gas fees to avoid transaction failure.

Step 2: Access the Ticket Purchase Page
PC: Click to access the purchase page ➡️ 2025 Hong Kong Web3 Festival NFT Tickets.
APP: In the OKX Web3 Wallet, navigate to the Market tab, select the ticket banner, or go to Drops and click the ticket banner to enter the purchase page.

Step 3: Complete the Purchase Process
Click Mint Now, set the ticket quantity, and submit the required verification information.
Click Mint Now again to authorize the transaction.
Once authorization is successful, confirm payment details and click
Wait for the minting process to complete and finalize your ticket purchase.

Important Notes
Ticket prices for the 2025 Hong Kong Web3 Festival will increase at the beginning of each month.
To enjoy the 15% discount, purchase your exclusive NFT tickets early via the
OKX Web3 Wallet.
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