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Smart Sync on OKX Copy Trading

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Smart Sync on OKX Copy Trading

Many trader choose OKX copy trading for the unique features that set it apart from other platforms. It's the only tool offering both "one-way" and "hedge" position modes for the futures market, allowing you to hold positions in one direction or both long and short simultaneously. This flexibility can be a powerful tool to enhance your trading strategy and increase your chances of success.

OKX copy trading acts as a marketplace connecting experienced lead traders with other traders wanting to emulate their success. Lead traders gain access to a global network, and showcase their performance to attract followers and expand their influence.

Now, traders can choose Smart Sync mode in OKX copy trading — the latest feature for copiers that enables true one-click copying, and optimisation of funds through fund isolation.

smart sync

What is Smart Sync

Smart Sync is the newest addition to OKX's copy trading ecosystem, alongside 'Fix Contract Copy' and 'Proportionate Ratio Copy.' This mode automatically mirrors the trades of lead traders by calculating order margins based on the ratio of the lead trader's position size compared to their trading funds. Smart Sync then applies this percentage to the copy trader's trading funds, replicating the position size and entry positions without the need for manual adjustments. Here's how the new features mentioned above differ:

  • Fix Contract Copy and Proportionate Ratio Copy: Funds from one source can be spread across multiple lead traders. When a lead trader makes a trade, the funds are used on a first-come, first-served basis.

  • Smart Sync: Funds are automatically locked to a single lead trader. This prevents your funds from being divided among multiple traders, reducing the risk of over-leverage. Here's how it works:

  • Example: If a lead trader with a 10,000 USDT account places a 1,000 USDT position (10% of their account size), a copy trader with a 1,000 USDT account will automatically copy the trade at 10% of their account size, resulting in a 100 USDT copy trade position.

A new level of convenience for copy traders

While copy trading products usually promise simplicity, inexperienced traders may find it challenging to adjust settings and understand jargon. Smart Sync eliminates these complexities using artificial intelligence, offering true one-click copying without the need for adjustments. Here are three of the many benefits enjoyed by copy traders.

  1. Real-time calculation: When a Smart Sync copy trade is placed, the feature calculates the percentage difference between the lead trader's position size and their trading account size. It then makes the copy trade based on that percentage, keeping risk levels the same.

  2. Proportional application: The percentage of difference between the lead trader's position size and their trading account size is applied to the copy trader's account size, determining the amount to be used for the copy trade position. The amount will also be "locked up", protecting the account from becoming over-leveraged and potentially entering a liquidation state.

  3. Automatic synchronization: Trade parameters such as leverage, margin, and pair settings are synchronized automatically. This allows lead traders to manage a position's risk on behalf of their copy traders by default.

The bottom line? With Smart Sync, OKX makes sure that both lead traders and their followers can trade efficiently and effectively as they enjoy simplified access to advanced copy trading tools.

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