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Introducing Alpha Traders Onchain

Alpha Traders Onchain Header

A crypto community for the onchain generation

At OKX Wallet, we believe that self-custody is the future. That's why, since 2021, we've dedicated a large team of product designers and engineers to building out the OKX Wallet. And we've come a long way. Today, you can manage, swap and explore almost any token using our wallet:

  • Millions of tokens

  • Every major network

  • Blazing fast quotes from 500 DEXs

But markets and experiences move fast, and the expectations that traders have of products and platforms evolve constantly.

Yesterday's truth, has already expired today.

Shaping the future of onchain trading

Alpha Traders is an invite-only community for the most influential voices among the onchain generation of crypto traders.

Alpha Traders use their knowledge to help shape tools, features and experiences that people will truly love. Together, we reinforce OKX Wallet's position as the destination of preference for onchain traders, with a focus on three areas:

  • Product Feedback

  • Product Inspiration

  • Community & Growth

Acting as the traders' voice of reason, Alpha Traders will meet with the OKX product team at least once a month for open discourse around new product features and experiences. They'll share reports from the trenches on meta and hotspots, and contribute with fresh ideas in the form of blue sky thinking and ideation.

You can learn more about the Alpha Traders program here.

Who are the Alpha Traders?

Our community starts with a select group of experienced traders and influential voices, and will grow over time. You'll be able to meet the Alpha Traders online, and at OKX and partner events around the world in 2025.

It's important to note that all opinions expressed by the Alpha Traders are their own. Financial advice in not a part of the Alpha Traders program, nor is the promotion of any digital assets.

Do you know an Alpha Trader?

Onchain Alpha Traders love OKX Wallet products and have the knowledge and experience to provide valuable input that will shape new product experiences. If you have an influential voice and are passionate about onchain trading, we’d love to have you join us. Anyone can apply, the best will be admitted. Apply, or Nominate an Alpha Trader

Questo contenuto viene fornito esclusivamente a scopo informativo e può riguardare prodotti non disponibili nella tua area geografica. Non intende fornire (i) consigli o suggerimenti di investimento, (ii) un'offerta o richiesta di acquistare, vendere o vincolare asset digitali né (iii) consulenza finanziaria, contabile, legale o fiscale. Gli holding di asset digitali, tra cui le stablecoin e gli NFT, presentano un alto livello di rischio e possono variare di molto il loro valore. Devi considerare attentamente se il trading o l'holding di asset digitali è adatto a te alla luce della tua condizione finanziaria. Consulta un professionista legale/fiscale/finanziario per domande sulla tua specifica situazione. Le informazioni (compresi dati sul mercato e informazioni statistiche, se presenti) disponibili in questo post sono fornite esclusivamente a scopo informativo. Pur essendoci adoperati al massimo per assicurare che tali dati e grafici fossero accurati, non ci assumiamo alcuna responsabilità per eventuali errori di fatto o omissioni qui presenti. Il portafoglio Web3 di OKX e il marketplace di NFT di OKX sono soggetti a termini di servizio separati, reperibili su
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