Prismatic Vortex Keepers
"Prismatic Vortex Keepers" is a mesmerizing NFT collection of 4,444 unique tokens, inspired by the guardians of swirling, multicolored vortexes that connect dimensions. Each token features a randomly generated Keeper—a mystical protector wielding prism shards, energy orbs, and iridescent armor. From chromatic sorcerers channeling rainbow storms to vortex knights wielding spectral blades, every character embodies the chaotic beauty of interdimensional energy. The collection blends vibrant hues with cosmic mystery, with 0.8% of tokens designated as "Rainbow Sentinels," distinguished by animated prism effects and diamond-rainbow accents. Collectors gain access to virtual vortex explorations and a share of 5% royalties from secondary sales, inviting them to safeguard the multiverse's colorful secrets.
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Anda dapat membeli secara langsung melalui Pasar OKX yang menggabungkan order NFT dari platform seperti OpenSea, Blur, MagicEden, dan banyak lagi.
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Prismatic Vortex Keepers memiliki total 337 NFT yang disimpan dalam 5 wallet berbeda.
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