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Why hasn't my deposit been credited?

Published on Sep 1, 2023Updated on Oct 4, 20244 min read9,198

Here are the possible reasons:

Delayed from block confirmation

You can check if you've input the correct deposit information and your transaction status on the blockchain. If your transaction is on the blockchain, you can check if your transaction reaches the required confirmation numbers. You will receive your deposit amount once it reaches the required confirmation numbers.

If your deposit can't be found on the blockchain, you can reach out to your corresponding platform's customer support for assistance.

Deposit different cryptos

Before you submit a deposit request, make sure that you've selected the crypto supported by the corresponding platform. Otherwise, it could lead to deposit failure.

CT-app-deposit on chain select crypto

Select the crypto that is supported by the corresponding platform

Incorrect address and network

Before you submit a deposit request, make sure that you've selected the network supported by the corresponding platform. Otherwise, it could lead to deposit failure.

CT-app-deposit on chain select network

Select the deposit network which is supported by the corresponding platform in the Deposit network field

For example, you would like to deposit ETH to a BTC address that is not compatible. This can lead to deposit failure.

In such a case, you can reach out to our customer support for assistance.

Incorrect or missing tag/memo/comment

The crypto that you want to deposit might require filling in a memo/tag/comment. You can find it on our deposit page.

CT-app-deposit on chain view tag memo

You can find the Tag on our deposit page

If you find a tag, enter the tag in the Tag field on the corresponding platform's withdrawal page. If you can't find the Tag field on the corresponding platform, you can reach out to the corresponding platform's customer support for assistance.

Note: if you enter an incorrect/missing tag, it could lead to deposit failure. In such a case, you can reach out to our customer support for assistance.

Deposit to smart contract addresses

Before you submit a deposit request, make sure that you've selected the deposit contract address supported by the corresponding platform. Otherwise, it could lead to deposit failure.

CT-app-deposit on chain view contract address

Make sure the deposit contract address is supported by the corresponding platform

Blockchain reward deposits

The profit from mining can only be deposited into your wallet. You can only deposit the rewards into our account once it is deposited into your wallet, as we don't support blockchain reward deposits.

Combined deposits

When you want to do a deposit, make sure you submit only one deposit request each time. If you submit multiple requests into a single deposit transaction, you'll not receive your deposit. In such a case, you can reach out to our customer support for assistance.

Fail to reach the minimum deposit amount

Before you submit a deposit request, make sure that you deposit at least the minimum amount which you could find on our deposit page. Otherwise, it could lead to deposit failure.

CT-app-deposit on chain view minimum deposit

Make sure you deposit at least the minimum deposit amount shown on our Deposit page

If none of the above applies to you, please contact our customer support by clicking the button below: