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Update to lead trader trading metrics

Published on Apr 11, 2023Updated on Sep 24, 20245 min read

Update 1: Optimized the calculation of lead trader total PnL and PnL%

The previous method of calculating a lead trader's PnL% and total PnL was based on the trader's overall trading account data. Total PnL was calculated using a snapshot value of the account's assets at different periods, using this formula: Lead trade total PnL = Assets at end of calculation period - Assets at start of calculation period - Assets transferred in + Assets transferred out

Because of this, in addition to PnL from lead trades, the PnL also included data from non-lead contract trading, spot trading, bot trading, and option trading, and it wasn't possible to measure lead trade data specifically. To resolve this, we've optimized our calculation methods to the following:

Metric Previous calculation method New calculation method
Lead trade total PnL
Lead trade total PnL = Assets at end of calculation period - Assets at start of calculation period - Assets transferred in + Assets transferred out Lead trade PnL = Sum (Profit and loss of all lead trade orders closed during the calculation period)
Lead trade PnL% Lead trade PnL% = Lead trade total PnL / Investment during period
Lead trade PnL% = New lead trader total PnL / Investment during period

Example: A lead trader creates a BTCUSDT Perp trade. At 0:00:00 on April 1, their assets are worth 10,000 USDT and at 23:59:59, their assets are worth 20,000 USDT. During this time, they transferred in 5,000 USDT, earned 2,500 USDT in spot training, earned 1,000 USDT in their BTCUSDT Perp trade, and earned 1,500 in a DOGEUSDT Perp trade.

The previous calculation method would be: (20,000 - 10,000) - 5,000 = 5,000 USDT, which includes their earnings from spot trading and their non-lead DOGEUSDT Perp trade.

The new calculation only counts the 1,000 USDT they earned in their BTCUSDT Perp trade as their PnL.

Based on the updated calculation method:

  1. If you previously only carried out lead trades, your PnL calculations will stay the same.

  2. If you carry out multiple trading strategies, including spot trading, bot trading, options trading, or other non-lead contract trading, data from these trades will be removed from your PnL calculation and your lead trade data and PnL curve will change.

Update 2: Optimized the data source for win rate, profit/loss ratio, winners/gainers, and average holding period

The win rate, profit/loss ratio, gainers/losers, and average holding period metrics on the lead trader profile were previously only calculated using data from successful lead trade orders. If an order triggered risk control — for example, because a lead trader has less than 500 USDT in their trading account— it wouldn't be included in the data, which prevented the metrics from giving an accurate measure of a lead trader's trading ability.

From now on, any contract trades which use a lead trader's selected lead trade contracts will be included in data for these metrics, even if they didn't successfully become lead trades. The actual formula is the same as before, but the data source has changed.

Previous data source New data source
Contract trades that were successfully created as lead trades All contract trades which use the lead trader's selected lead trade contracts

Update 3: Optimized the calculation of the investment value used to calculate PnL%

We've updated the method for calculating investment in a trading account to improve the overall PnL% calculation.

With our previous calculation method, the amount you transfer in each day to your trading account is added to your assets at the start of the investment period to calculate your overall investment.

With our new calculation method, if the amount you transfer in each day is less than the previous day's cumulative net transferred out, it won’t be added to your overall investment. If the amount you transfer in is more than the previous day's cumulative net transferred out, the difference between the two will be added to the previous day's overall investment.

After this optimization, a lead trader's overall investment value might decrease, while the PnL% might increase. This might also affect a lead trader's PnL curves. You can view the table below to better understand how the calculation methods differ.

Day Action Assets at start of day Assets at end of day Transferred in
Cumulative net transferred out
Investment (Updated calculation method) Investment (Previous calculation method)
Cumulative PnL PnL% (Updated calculation method)
PnL% (Previous calculation method)
1 None 10,000 12,000 0 0 10,000 10,000 2,000 20% 20%
2 Transfer in 3,000 12,000
13,000 13,000
2,000 2,000 / 13,000 = 15.38% 15.38%
3 Transfer out 5,000 15,000 10,000 0
5,000 13,000 13,000 2,000 2,000 / 13,000 = 15.38% 15.38%
4 Transfer in 4,000 10,000 14,000 4,000
13,000 17,000 2,000
2,000 / 13,000 = 15.38% 11.7%
5 Transfer out 5,000 14,000 9,000 0 6,000 13,000 17,000 2,000 2,000 / 13,000 = 15.38% 11.7%
6 Transfer in 20,000 5,000 25,000 20,000 0 27,000 37,000
2,000 2,000 / 27,000 = 7.4% 5.4%