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Copy trading FAQ

Published on Sep 15, 2023Updated on Sep 28, 20245 min read224

1. What's copy trading?

Copy trading is a new social investment approach and an important portfolio management tool. Regular traders can copy trading strategies from lead traders and automatically execute them in real markets.

When you copy a lead trader, you'll duplicate any trades they make and automatically open and close positions when they do.

2. What countries or regions currently don't support copy trading?

The following countries and regions currently don't support copy trading: Hong Kong, Singapore, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Crimea, Malaysia, Syria, United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Bangladesh, Bolivia, and Malta.

3. What fees do I need to pay when copying trades?

Trading fees will be the same as the regular fees for your trading tier. No other transaction fees are charged, but you'll pay a profit share.

4. How is my copy trading income shared between me and the lead trader?

8%-13% of profits made by traders from copy trading will be shared with lead traders based on lead traders' respective profit sharing levels.

For example, if you make a total profit of 100 USDT when you copy a lead trader's trades, you'll give them 10% of that, which is 10 USDT.

Note: for more details on lead trader profit-sharing levels, read here.

5. Can I use copy trading with my sub-accounts?

Copy trading is available for sub-accounts.

6. Which account do I need to deposit my funds into to copy trade?

Deposit funds into your trading account to start copy trading.

7. What contracts are supported for copy trading?

For more details on supported contracts, read What limits are there for futures copy trading?.

8. Is there a limit on the underlying price when copying transactions?

Copy trading has no special limits and is the same as regular contract trading.

9. How do users copy a trade?

For more details on copying a trade, read 【Copy traders】 How to set the copy trade parameters?.

10. Are there limits on the number of trades I can copy?

You can copy up to 10 trades when using the "Open/Close" position mode, and 1 trader when using the "Buy/Sell" position mode.

11. What factors could stop me from copying a trade?

The following factors could stop you from copying a trade:

  • A lead trader has stopped leading trades or has had their lead trader status revoked

  • A lead trader has reached the daily lead trade limit

  • A lead trader's trade has triggered risk control

  • Your trading account has insufficient funds

  • Your open position value has exceeded the spread protection amount

  • Your total copy trade amount reached the maximum limit you set

If this happens, our system will also notify you with a push notification and email.

12. How do I cancel an order I've copied?

For more details on canceling a copy trade, read Copy traders: How to manage copied trades.

13. Is there spread protection for copying trades?

Copy traders have a spread protection of 0.5% when opening a position. When the copy trader's opening price exceeds 0.5% of the lead trader's opening price, the trade won't be copied.

14. How do I control the maximum amount I invest when copying a trader?

Copy traders can set both a maximum amount per order and a maximum amount for the trader.

For example, you might set your maximum amount per order as 100 USDT and your maximum amount for the trader as 1,000 USDT. After the lead trader has opened 10 positions, you'll have invested margin of 1,000 USDT, which is your maximum limit. If the trader keeps opening positions, you won't copy them until another copied position is closed.

15. What's the maximum number of orders a lead trader can lead each day?

Lead traders can lead a maximum of 500 trades each day. After they reach this number, copy traders can't copy any more positions that the lead trader opens.

16. What factors could cause a lead trade to fail?

The following factors could cause a lead trade to fail:

  • The lead trader's trading account has less than 500 USDT when opening a trade

  • The lead trader has exceeded the daily lead trade limit of 500 orders

  • The lead trader's opening position value has exceeded the limit for that contract

If this happens, our system will also notify you with a push notification and email.

17. Can lead traders close positions with limit orders and can they partially close a position?

Currently lead traders can only close positions with market orders. Lead traders can choose to either fully close a position, or close each separate order individually. Other types of partial closure currently aren't supported.

18. What are the leverage and position limits for copy trading?

For more details on supported contracts, read What limits are there for futures copy trading?.