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4 tips to level up your USDT with Shark Fin

OKX Shark Fin offers a great opportunity to earn USDT without putting your principal at risk. If you are new to Shark Fin, be sure to check out our beginner's guide here.

Here are four tips to help you level up your earnings using Shark Fin.

Activate auto-renewal

Enable the auto-renewal feature to simplify the management of your Shark Fin subscription. By switching on this feature, you no longer have to wait for your funds to be unlocked before subscribing to the next round of Shark Fin. Your principal will be automatically applied to the following seven-day period.

Diversify and spread funds across the four Shark Fin strategies

You can simultaneously subscribe to any combination of the four types of Shark Fin products: Bullish BTC, Bearish BTC, Bullish ETH, and Bearish ETH.

Subscribing to multiple strategies increases your chances of the product expiring within the pre-determined range and earning a higher potential annualized return. Even if you don't hit the pre-determined range, you'll still receive the base annual percentage yield.

Act fast – limited quota available!

Each subscription round offers a limited quota of USDT and is filled on a first come, first served basis. You'll not be able to subscribe if the quota has already been filled up. So, act fast and subscribe before the quota sells out.

You can start subscribing with as little as 10 USDT, up to a maximum of 1.5 million USDT.

Analyze historical Shark Fin performance

Analyzing historical data of Shark Fin performance can provide you with insights and help you make more informed decisions when you're exploring different trading strategies. Access historical Shark Fin performance here.

The final word

Shark Fin is a principal-protected savings product that gives you a great opportunity to earn higher potential annualized returns by monetizing your market view without putting your principal at risk.

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