How do I check the status of my institutional verification?

發佈於 2024年10月10日更新於 2025年2月26日閱讀時長 2 分鐘19

To check the status of your Institutional verification, please follow these steps:

  1. Make sure you sign in to your OKX business account here

  2. Hover on the profile section and select the Verification option

  3. Your progress is automatically saved while you're filling out your application. Select Continue to complete the application once it's done


    You can complete the application once the requirements are complete

  4. Once you submit your application, its status will be updated to Under Review. Please check your email for updates as our onboarding team may contact you for additional information


    While the application is under review

  5. Once your application is approved, the status will update to Approved


    Your institutional verification status will return as Verified once it's approved

Note: if your application is rejected, the status will be updated to Rejected and you may select the verification feedback option for more information and you'll receive a detailed explanation of the rejection reason in your email.


Find out the reason for your application rejection by selecting verification feedback

Learn more on how you can fix the errors on your Institutional account application here.