Bitcoin Cash-pris

(+1,53 %)
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Ta alla försiktighetsåtgärder och var medveten om att denna kryptotillgång är klassiciferad som en kryptotillgång med hög risk. Denna kryptotillgång saknar en tydligt identifierbar användare och/eller ett etablerat projektteam, som ökar eller kan öka dess mottaglighet för betydliga marknadsrisker, inklusive men inte begränsat till extrem volatilitet, låg likviditet eller/och potentialen av marknadsmissbruk eller prismanipulation. Det finns ingen absolut garanti för värdet, stabilitet eller möjligheten att sälja denna kryptotillgång till föredraget eller önskade priser.

Bitcoin Cash marknadsinfo

Marknadsvärde beräknas genom att multiplicera det cirkulerande utbudet av ett coin med dess senaste pris.
Börsvärde = Cirkulerande utbud × Senaste pris
Cirkulerande utbud
Totalt belopp för ett coin som är allmänt tillgängligt på marknaden.
Ett coins rankning i termer av marknadsvärde.
Högsta någonsin
Högsta pris ett coin har nått i sin handelshistorik.
Lägsta någonsin
Lägsta pris ett coin har nått i sin handelshistorik.
Cirkulerande utbud
19 846 200 BCH
94,50 % av
21 000 000 BCH
Senaste granskningen: --
Högsta priset under 24 tim
Lägsta priset under 24 tim
Högsta någonsin
$1 640,17
−79,86 % (-$1 309,77)
Senast uppdaterad: 12 maj 2021
Lägsta någonsin
+345,88 % (+$256,30)
Senast uppdaterad: 15 dec. 2018



Bitcoin Cash-prisresultat i USD

Aktuellt pris på Bitcoin Cash är $330,40. Sedan 00.00 UTC har Bitcoin Cash ökade med +1,54 %. Det har för närvarande ett cirkulerande utbud av 19 846 200 BCH och ett maximalt utbud av 21 000 000 BCH, vilket ger ett marknadsvärde efter full utspädning på $6,51B. För tillfället innehar Bitcoin Cash-coin position 0 i marknadsvärdesrankningar. Bitcoin Cash/USD-priset uppdateras i realtid.
+1,53 %
7 dagar
−1,38 %
30 dagar
+4,19 %
3 månader
−29,72 %

Om Bitcoin Cash (BCH)

Betyget som anges är ett sammanställt betyg som inhämtats av OKX från källorna som anges, och det anges endast för informativa syften. OKX garanterar inte betygens kvalitet eller korrekthet. Det är inte avsett att utgöra (i) investeringsrådgivning eller rekommendation, (ii) ett erbjudande eller en uppmaning att köpa, sälja eller inneha digitala tillgångar, eller (iii) finansiell, redovisningsmässig, juridisk eller skattemässig rådgivning. Digitala tillgångar, inklusive stabil kryptovaluta och NFT:er, omfattas av hög risk, kan skifta kraftigt och till och med bli värdelösa. Priset och prestanda för de digitala tillgångarna garanteras inte, och de kan förändras utan föregående meddelande. Dina digitala tillgångar täcks inte av försäkran mot potentiella förluster. Historisk avkastning är ingen garanti om framtida avkastning. OKX garanterar inte någon avkastning, återbetalning av huvudbelopp eller ränta. OKX tillhandahåller inga rekommendationer om investeringar eller tillgångar. Du bör noga överväga om handel med eller innehav av digitala tillgångar är lämpligt för dig med hänsyn till din ekonomiska situation. Rådgör med din jurist, skatteexpert eller investeringsrådgivare om du har frågor om dina specifika omständigheter.
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    Genom att använda tredjepartswebbplatsen (”TPW”) samtycker du till att all användning av TPW kommer att omfattas av och styras av villkoren i TPW. Om inte annat uttryckligen anges skriftligen är OKX och dess affiliates (”OKX”) inte på något sätt associerade med ägaren eller operatören av TPW. Du samtycker till att OKX inte är ansvarigt eller skadeståndsskyldigt för förlust, skada eller andra konsekvenser som uppstår till följd av din användning av TPW. Var medveten om att användning av en TPW kan leda till förlust eller minskning av dina tillgångar.

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is a cryptocurrency payment network created to implement Bitcoin's core idea of facilitating peer-to-peer payments for everyday transactions rather than becoming a preferred store of value like Bitcoin (BTC).

Despite being the gold standard of the crypto world, Bitcoin has some inherent problems that are widely debated in the public domain. Its limited 1 MB block size is the most well-known of these, making it unscalable. This shortcoming has caused a notable rise in Bitcoin's transaction fees.

A section of the Bitcoin network's participants had been pushing for larger blocks as early as 2010. However, seeing no result from their efforts, this group hard-forked Bitcoin Cash from the Bitcoin blockchain on August 1, 2017. Bitcoin Cash was launched with an 8 MB block size limit, later expanding to 32 MB in 2018.

The main aim of Bitcoin Cash is to fulfill the original purpose of Bitcoin. Its team constantly strives to make BCH a cheaper, faster, scalable, and easy-to-use peer-to-peer electronic cash system. It also doesn't hold back regarding increasing block sizes or making other updates to keep the project well-aligned with its core objective. Bitcoin Cash works like Bitcoin, as it can be easily transferred from one individual to another without financial intermediaries or censorship.

BCH token holders can send and receive BCH through their digital wallets using the unique public keys associated with the latter. As a result, BCH transactions are settled almost instantly and involve a lower average transfer fee. Some well-known businesses that accept Bitcoin Cash for their goods and services are Twitch, Newegg, CyberGhost VPN, SlingTV, Namecheap, airBaltic, ALFAtop, Menufy, SatoshiDice, CoinRemitter, and eGifter.

How does BCH work?

Bitcoin Cash's workings are quite similar to that of Bitcoin. The primary difference is the bigger block size, allowing higher transaction speeds and lower fees. That said, larger block sizes make audit and storage expensive and lead to difficulties downloading a copy of the blockchain.

Like Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash also uses a Proof of Work (PoW) consensus model for securing its network. Entities called miners compete against each other to process transactions and add new blocks to the Bitcoin Cash blockchain. They employ complex computing devices for this purpose. The hashing algorithm of Bitcoin Cash is SHA-256, the same as that of Bitcoin.

One of the biggest differentiators between Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash is the "difficulty adjustment" for mining new blocks. While the Bitcoin software adjusts this difficulty factor every 2,016 blocks, it's done every 10 minutes in Bitcoin Cash.

The frequent updates aim to provide a clearer understanding of the required computing power for BCH mining. Miners of Bitcoin Cash receive rewards in the form of new BCH coins and transaction fees for their efforts in adding blocks. Bitcoin Cash also supports smart contracts, enabling the creation of decentralized applications (DApps) on its blockchain. Notable DApps built on Bitcoin Cash include CashFusion, CashScript, eatBCH, Flipstarter, AnyHedge, Libauth, Spedn, and Fountainhead.

Bitcoin Cash has a decentralized, low-cost, high-throughput, easy-to-use network for BCH transactions. Any changes required on its mainnet involve many nodes and a high level of consensus. This restricts trial-and-error processes, which are a must for innovation.

Launched in July 2021, Smart Bitcoin Cash or SmartBCH is a side chain of Bitcoin Cash created to explore new ideas and unlock new possibilities. It's compatible with Web3 API and Ethereum's EVM, offering high throughput for DApps, in a secure, decentralized, and fast environment. The side chain doesn't have any new tokens. Its native token is BCH, and all gas fees on the network are paid in BCH.

BCH price and tokenomics

Like Bitcoin, the maximum supply of Bitcoin Cash has a hard cap of 21 million coins. Of these, 19.17 million were in circulation at the time of writing. There are 17.12 million BCH holding addresses at press time, with the top 10 addresses holding nearly 2.3 million BCH. When Bitcoin Cash hard forked from Bitcoin, almost 16.5 million BCH coins were distributed amongst existing BTC holders at 1:1.

Every time a BCH miner successfully adds a new block to the Bitcoin Cash blockchain, s/he is awarded BCH coins as a reward. This process brings new BCH coins into the circulating supply. Bitcoin Cash has a deflationary mechanism called "halving," like Bitcoin. As per this mechanism, the block mining rewards are halved every 210,000 blocks or approximately four years. It shares Bitcoin's transaction history in this regard up to August 1, 2017, the day of its launch.

The last Bitcoin Cash halving happened in April 2020, which reduced the mining rewards from 12.5 BCH per block to 6.25 BCH. The next halving event is expected to occur in 2024, reducing the BCH mining reward to 3.125 BCH per block.

BCH developments

The most significant event in Bitcoin Cash's history was the 2018 hard fork, resulting in the creation of Bitcoin SV (BSV) on November 15, 2018. This split led to a significant drop in BCH's price from $444 to an all-time low of $76 on December 16, 2018. The hard fork emerged as a "civil war" between two competing camps within the Bitcoin Cash ecosystem. One camp, led by Roger Ver and Bitmain's Jihan Wu, supported the Bitcoin ABC software, maintaining a 32 MB block size. In contrast, the other camp, led by Craig Steven Wright and Calvin Ayre, favored Bitcoin SV with a 128 MB block size.

Another significant development for Bitcoin Cash occurred in March 2020 when Tether (USDT) stablecoin was launched on its blockchain through the SLP (simple ledger protocol) token standard. This implementation allowed users to transact USDT on the Bitcoin Cash blockchain alongside networks like EOS, Ethereum, Tron, Algorand, Liquid Network, and Omni.

About the founders

Network participants and miners collectively founded Bitcoin Cash in the Bitcoin ecosystem. These included prominent names like Roger Ver, Amaury Sechet, Bitmain, ViaBTC, and Craig Wright.

All these participants were against the proposed Segwit2x upgrade on Bitcoin, which meant increasing its capacity. They preferred increasing Bitcoin's block size to 8 MB instead. However, unable to fulfill their demand, this group launched a hard fork of Bitcoin on August 1, 2017, and named it Bitcoin Cash.

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Vanliga frågor för Bitcoin Cash

Hur mycket är 1 Bitcoin Cash värd idag?
För närvarande är en Bitcoin Cash värd $330,40. För svar och insikt om prisåtgärder för Bitcoin Cash är du på rätt plats. Utforska de senaste diagrammen för Bitcoin Cash och handla ansvarsfullt med OKX.
Vad är kryptovalutor?
Kryptovalutor, till exempel Bitcoin Cash, är digitala tillgångar som fungerar på en offentlig reskontra som kallas blockkedjor. Läs mer om coins och tokens som erbjuds på OKX och deras olika attribut, som inkluderar live-priser och realtidsdiagram.
När uppfanns kryptovalutor?
Tack vare finanskrisen 2008 ökade intresset för decentraliserad finansiering. Bitcoin erbjöd en ny lösning genom att vara en säker digital tillgång på ett decentraliserat nätverk. Sedan dess har många andra tokens som t.ex. Bitcoin Cash skapats också.
Kommer priset på Bitcoin Cash gå upp idag?
Se vår Bitcoin Cash prisprognossida för att förutse framtida priser och fastställa dina prismål.


ESG-regleringar (Environmental, Social och Governance) för kryptotillgångar syftar till att ta itu med eventuell miljöpåverkan (t.ex. energiintensiv mining), främja transparens och säkerställa etiska förvaltningsmetoder för att anpassa kryptoindustrin till bredare hållbarhets- och samhälleliga mål. Dessa regleringar uppmuntrar efterlevnad av standarder som minskar risker och främjar förtroende för digitala tillgångar.
OKcoin Europe LTD
Relevant juridisk enhetsidentifierare
Namn på kryptotillgången
Bitcoin Cash
Bitcoin Cash is present on the following networks: bitcoin_cash, smart_bitcoin_cash. The Bitcoin Cash blockchain network uses a consensus mechanism called Proof of Work (PoW) to achieve distributed consensus among its nodes. It originated from the Bitcoin blockchain, hence has the same consensus mechanisms but with a larger block size, which makes it more centralized. Core Concepts 1. Nodes and Miners: - Nodes: Nodes are computers running the Bitcoin Cash software that participate in the network by validating transactions and blocks. - Miners: Special nodes, called miners, perform the work of creating new blocks by solving complex cryptographic puzzles. 2. Blockchain: - The blockchain is a public ledger that records all Bitcoin Cash transactions in a series of blocks. Each block contains a list of transactions, a reference to the previous block (hash), a timestamp, and a nonce (a random number used once). 3. Hash Functions: - Bitcoin Cash uses the SHA-256 cryptographic hash function to secure the data in blocks. A hash function takes input data and produces a fixed-size string of characters, which appears random. Consensus Process 5. Transaction Validation: - Transactions are broadcast to the network and collected by miners into a block. Each transaction must be validated by nodes to ensure it follows the network's rules, such as correct signatures and sufficient funds. 6. Mining and Block Creation: - Nonce and Hash Puzzle: Miners compete to find a nonce that, when combined with the block's data and passed through the SHA-256 hash function, produces a hash that is less than a target value. This target value is adjusted periodically to ensure that blocks are mined approximately every 10 minutes. - Proof of Work: The process of finding this nonce is computationally intensive and requires significant energy and resources. Once a miner finds a valid nonce, they broadcast the newly mined block to the network. 7. Block Validation and Addition: - Other nodes in the network verify the new block to ensure the hash is correct and that all transactions within the block are valid. - If the block is valid, nodes add it to their copy of the blockchain and the process starts again with the next block. 8. Chain Consensus: - The longest chain (the chain with the most accumulated proof of work) is considered the valid chain by the network. Nodes always work to extend the longest valid chain. - In the case of multiple valid chains (forks), the network will eventually resolve the fork by continuing to mine and extending one chain until it becomes longer. Smart Bitcoin Cash (SmartBCH) operates as a sidechain to Bitcoin Cash (BCH), leveraging a hybrid consensus mechanism combining Proof of Work (PoW) compatibility and validator-based validation. Core Components: Proof of Work Compatibility: SmartBCH relies on Bitcoin Cash's PoW for settlement and security, ensuring robust integration with BCH’s main chain. SHA-256 Algorithm: Uses the same SHA-256 hashing algorithm as Bitcoin Cash, allowing compatibility with existing mining hardware and infrastructure. Consensus via Validators: Transactions within SmartBCH are validated by a set of validators chosen based on staking and operational efficiency. This hybrid approach combines the hash power of PoW with a validator-based model to enhance scalability and flexibility.
Incitamentmekanismer och tillämpliga avgifter
Bitcoin Cash is present on the following networks: bitcoin_cash, smart_bitcoin_cash. The Bitcoin Cash blockchain operates on a Proof-of-Work (PoW) consensus mechanism, with incentives and fee structures designed to support miners and the overall network's sustainability: Incentive Mechanism: 1. Block Rewards: o Newly Minted Bitcoins: Miners receive a block reward, which consists of newly created bitcoins for successfully mining a new block. Initially, the reward was 50 BCH, but it halves approximately every four years in an event known as the "halving." o Halving and Scarcity: The halving ensures that the total supply of Bitcoin Cash is capped at 21 million BCH, creating scarcity that could drive up value over time. 2. Transaction Fees: o User Fees: Each transaction includes a fee, paid by users, that incentivizes miners to include the transaction in a new block. This fee market becomes increasingly important as block rewards decrease over time due to the halving events. o Fee Market: Transaction fees are market-driven, with users competing to get their transactions included quickly. Higher fees lead to faster transaction processing, especially during periods of high network congestion. Applicable Fees: 1. Transaction Fees: o Bitcoin Cash transactions require a small fee, paid in BCH, which is determined by the transaction's size and the network demand at the time. These fees are crucial for the continued operation of the network, particularly as block rewards decrease over time due to halvings. 2. Fee Structure During High Demand: o In times of high congestion, users may choose to increase their transaction fees to prioritize their transactions for faster processing. The fee structure ensures that miners are incentivized to prioritize higher-fee transactions. SmartBCH’s incentive model encourages validators and network participants to secure the sidechain and process transactions efficiently. Incentive Mechanisms: Validator Rewards: Validators are rewarded with a share of transaction fees for their role in validating transactions and maintaining the network. Economic Alignment: The system incentivizes validators to act in the network’s best interest, ensuring stability and fostering adoption through economic alignment. Applicable Fees: Transaction Fees: Fees for transactions on SmartBCH are paid in BCH, ensuring seamless integration with the Bitcoin Cash ecosystem.
Början av den period som upplysningen avser
Slutet av den period som upplysningen avser
608397217.08691 (kWh/a)
Förnybar energiförbrukning
15.116111393 (%)
0.07563 (kWh)
Viktiga energikällor och metoder
To determine the proportion of renewable energy usage, the locations of the nodes are to be determined using public information sites, open-source crawlers and crawlers developed in-house. If no information is available on the geographic distribution of the nodes, reference networks are used which are comparable in terms of their incentivization structure and consensus mechanism. This geo-information is merged with public information from the European Environment Agency (EEA) and thus determined.
Energiförbrukningskällor och -metoder
The energy consumption of this asset is aggregated across multiple components: For the calculation of energy consumptions, the so called “top-down” approach is being used, within which an economic calculation of the miners is assumed. Miners are persons or devices that actively participate in the proof-of-work consensus mechanism. The miners are considered to be the central factor for the energy consumption of the network. Hardware is pre-selected based on the consensus mechanism's hash algorithm: SHA-256. A current profitability threshold is determined on the basis of the revenue and cost structure for mining operations. Only Hardware above the profitability threshold is considered for the network. The energy consumption of the network can be determined by taking into account the distribution for the hardware, the efficiency levels for operating the hardware and on-chain information regarding the miners' revenue opportunities. If significant use of merge mining is known, this is taken into account. When calculating the energy consumption, we used - if available - the Functionally Fungible Group Digital Token Identifier (FFG DTI) to determine all implementations of the asset of question in scope and we update the mappings regulary, based on data of the Digital Token Identifier Foundation. For the calculation of energy consumptions, the so called “bottom-up” approach is being used. The nodes are considered to be the central factor for the energy consumption of the network. These assumptions are made on the basis of empirical findings through the use of public information sites, open-source crawlers and crawlers developed in-house. The main determinants for estimating the hardware used within the network are the requirements for operating the client software. The energy consumption of the hardware devices was measured in certified test laboratories. When calculating the energy consumption, we used - if available - the Functionally Fungible Group Digital Token Identifier (FFG DTI) to determine all implementations of the asset of question in scope and we update the mappings regulary, based on data of the Digital Token Identifier Foundation.
Omfattning 1 DLT växthusgasintensitet-utsläpp – Kontrollerade
0.00000 (tCO2e/a)
Omfattning 2 DLT växthusgasintensitet-utsläpp – Köpt
250657.25716 (tCO2e/a)
0.03116 (kgCO2e)
Viktiga växthusgasintensitets-källor och -metoder
To determine the GHG Emissions, the locations of the nodes are to be determined using public information sites, open-source crawlers and crawlers developed in-house. If no information is available on the geographic distribution of the nodes, reference networks are used which are comparable in terms of their incentivization structure and consensus mechanism. This geo-information is merged with public information from the European Environment Agency (EEA) and thus determined.
Det sociala innehållet på den här sidan (”Innehåll”), inklusive men inte begränsat till tweets och statistik som tillhandahålls av LunarCrush, kommer från tredje part och tillhandahålls ”i befintligt skick” endast i informationssyfte. OKX garanterar inte kvaliteten eller riktigheten i innehållet, och innehållet representerar inte OKX:s åsikter. Det är inte avsett att ge (i) investeringsrådgivning eller rekommendation; (ii) ett erbjudande eller en uppmaning att köpa, sälja eller inneha digitala tillgångar; eller (iii) finansiell, redovisningsmässig, juridisk eller skatterådgivning. Digitala tillgångar, inklusive stabila kryptovalutor och NFT, innebär en hög grad av risk och kan fluktuera kraftigt. Priset och utvecklingen för de digitala tillgångarna garanteras inte och kan förändras utan förvarning. OKX tillhandahåller inte investerings- eller tillgångsrekommendationer. Du bör noga överväga om handel med eller innehav av digitala tillgångar är lämpligt för dig mot bakgrund av din ekonomiska situation. Kontakta din juridiska/skatte-/investeringsexpert om du har frågor om dina specifika omständigheter. För ytterligare information, se våra Användarvillkor och Riskvarning. Genom att använda tredje parts webbplats (”TPW”) accepterar du att all användning av TPW kommer att vara föremål för och styras av villkoren i TPW. Om inte annat uttryckligen anges skriftligen är OKX och dess dotterbolag (”OKX”) inte på något sätt associerade med ägaren eller operatören av TPW. Du samtycker till att OKX inte är ansvarigt eller skadeståndsskyldigt för förlust, skada eller andra konsekvenser som uppstår till följd av din användning av TPW. Var medveten om att användning av en TPW kan leda till förlust eller minskning av dina tillgångar.
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