ETH/BTC now available for Dual Investment!

Publicerad den 26 sep. 20242 min läsning

We're proud to be launching the ETH/BTC Dual Investment, introducing a brand new crypto/crypto pair to Dual Investment that offers high APR for both ETH and BTC.
The product lets you directly convert between ETH and BTC at your desired target price. This lets you bypass holding stablecoins and avoid paying additional transaction fees. And even if the conversion doesn't happen, you get to earn APR anyway.
Depending on your chosen strategy, you can enjoy different returns.

  • For a Sell ETH/BTC high strategy, if the ETH price expires at or above the target price, you'll sell ETH and earn APR in BTC. If not, you'll earn APR in ETH.

  • For a Buy ETH/BTC low strategy, if the ETH price expires at or below the target price, you'll buy ETH and earn APR in ETH. If not, you'll earn APR in BTC.

To subscribe to ETH/BTC Dual Investment, simply follow the following steps:

  1. Step 1: Go to Grow > Structured Products > Dual Investment

  2. Step 2: Expand ETH and select "Sell ETH/BTC high" or "Buy ETH/BTC low"

  3. Step 3: Select your preferred term, target price and APR

  4. Step 4: Enter an amount higher than the minimum subscription amount

See the table below to find out the minimum subscription amounts.

Crypto Minimum subscription amount
ETH/BTC Sell ETH/BTC high Buy ETH/BTC low
0.001 ETH 0.0001 BTC

OKX team

September 26, 2024