Preț Pi Network

(-8,20 %)
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Informații de piață despre Pi Network

Capitalizare de piață
Capitalizarea de piață este calculată prin multiplicarea ofertei în circulație a unei monede cu ultimul său preț.
Capitalizare de piață = Ofertă în circulație x Ultimul preț
Ofertă în circulație
Suma totală a unei monede care este disponibilă public pe piață.
Clasament capitalizare de piață
Clasamentul unei monede după valoarea capitalizării de piață.
Maxim istoric
Cel mai mare preț atins de o monedă în istoricul său de tranzacționare.
Minim istoric
Cel mai mic preț atins de o monedă în istoricul său de tranzacționare.
Capitalizare de piață
Ofertă în circulație
6.763.876.079 PI
6,76 % din PI
Clasament capitalizare de piață
Ultimul audit: --
Max. 24 h
Min. 24 h
Maxim istoric
-71,23 % (-$2,1369)
Ultima actualizare: 27 feb. 2025
Minim istoric
+763,09 % (+$0,76310)
Ultima actualizare: 20 feb. 2025

Calculator PI


Performanța prețului Pi Network în USD

Prețul actual al Pi Network este $0,86310. În ultimele 24 de ore, Pi Network a scăzut cu -8,19 %. În prezent are o ofertă în circulație de 6.763.876.079 PI și o ofertă maximă de PI, asigurând o capitalizare de piață diluată complet de $5,92B. În prezent, moneda Pi Network deține poziția 25 în clasamentul capitalizării de piață. Prețul Pi Network/USD este actualizat în timp real.
-8,20 %
7 zile
-23,11 %
30 de zile
-43,48 %
3 luni
+763,09 %

Despre Pi Network (PI)

  • Pagina web oficială
  • White paper
  • Github
  • Explorator bloc
  • Despre paginile web ale unor terți
    Despre paginile web ale unor terți
    Prin utilizarea paginii web terțe („TPW”), acceptați că orice utilizare a unei TPW va fi supusă și guvernată de condițiile pentru TPW. Exceptând mențiunile exprese în scris, OKX și afiliații săi („OKX”) nu sunt asociați cu proprietarul sau operatorul TPW. Sunteți de acord că OKX nu este responsabilă sau răspunzătoare pentru nicio pierdere, daună sau orice alte consecințe care decurg din utilizarea de către dvs. a unei TPW. Țineți cont că utilizarea TPW poate duce la pierderea sau diminuarea activelor dvs.

Deposit and trade to earn a share of the 500,000 $PI prize pool! View the PI Network's Trade and Earn event.

Key Takeaways

  • Pi Network is the pioneer of mining apps. The team, as early as 2019, allows users to use smartphones to mine, just click once a day to get PI coins. They have become one of the most popular money games in the world.
  • Pi by itself is used by people around the world to facilitate their local business transactions. There are many stores accepting Pi as a payment for goods and services, while people can use Pi to buy such goods and services.
  • In addition to app-level utility, Pi also has platform-level utility, namely converting Pi’s collective resources, such as attention of the whole network and the collective CPU of the computer nodes, into utility of Pi.

About Pi

PI is the native currency of the Pi Network. Pi Network is a smartphone app-based platform for mining crypto. The platform aims to lower the barrier to crypto adoption by allowing individuals to mine directly from their device, rather than using conventional mining hardware.

The project also has wider utility beyond mining. It aims to scale trust across the web through its Stellar Consensus Protocol (SCP) and the introduction of security circles — small trusted groups of users called "Pioneers" — in the ecosystem. Users can also make transactions across the network, while a social media channel embedded in the app aims to democratize the influence seen on traditional social platforms and create an attention marketplace.

How does the Pi Network work?

The SCP and Federated Byzantine Agreement (FBA) algorithm underpin the network's consensus mechanism. This mechanism is fundamental to the network's mining method. The SCP uses FBA to validate updates made to the distributed ledger. The protocol is seen as an alternative to Proof of Work — used by Bitcoin — and is an attractive option because it has zero energy wastage.

The platform's mining mechanism is designed to incentivize users to contribute to the network through meritocracy and be rewarded in return.

Pi Network price and tokenomics

The total supply of PI is capped at 100 billion PI. Of this total, 80% will be distributed to the Pi community, with the remaining 20% assigned to Pi core team members. The core team's allocation can only be unlocked at the same rate as the community's allocation. So, if 30% of the community's allocation is in circulation, the core team can only unlock 30% of its supply. Meanwhile, the 80% community supply is further divided. Sixty five percent of the token supply is allocated to past and future user mining rewards, with 10% allocated to community organization and ecosystem development. Meanwhile, 5% is allocated to a project liquidity pool.

Local commerce utility

Pi by itself is used by people around the world to facilitate their local business transactions. There are many stores accepting Pi as a payment for goods and services, while people can use Pi to buy such goods and services.

During a local commerce social event in December 2023, people submitted over 21,000 participants with images of local businesses offering or willing to offer their goods and services in Pi.

App-level utilities

Pi has a developer platform that allows third-party developers to develop web apps in any computer languages integrating Pi SDK to interact with Pi blockchain. The platform also provides traffic for these Pi apps to bootstrap their usage and iterate their products. The Enclosed Network was designed to help the community create app-level utilities (Pi apps) that contain real use cases of Pi. Currently there are over 70 Pi-apps that integrate Pi as the only payment method and are on Mainnet or Mainnet ready. Pi Apps range from e-commerce and marketplaces to labor and intellectual property exchanges, from local commerce integration for payments to games and education, etc.

One example is their own KYC app where users use Pi to pay for their KYC verification provided by the labor of KYC human Validators in addition to AI, which, in turn, boost the utility of Pi tokens in the ecosystem. The KYC app is a scalable Pi-native solution that covers almost all geolocations where our users reside and without any fiat cost for the users to verify their identity before migrating to the Pi Mainnet as part of the requirement. Currently, over 15 million Pi users have submitted their documents and passed Pi KYC through this app.

Platform level utilities

In addition to app-level utility, Pi also has platform-level utility, namely converting Pi’s collective resources, such as attention of the whole network and the collective CPU of the computer nodes, into utility of Pi. The first instantiation of this type of utility is the Pi Ad Network that has been released and has onboarded a few Pi apps. In the Pi Ad Network, advertisers will need to acquire Pi from the market to pay for their ads on various Pi apps which will receive traffic from the Pi platform, and developers in PI ecosystem displaying ads from Pi Ad Network will be paid in Pi.

De-Fi apps after Open Network

Pi Blockchain, after Open Network, can support any type of typical crypto use cases, including DEX, NFTs, AMMs, and more. Such utility will only be possible after Open Network when external connectivity is possible.

About the Pi Network founders

Pi Network was founded by Chengdiao Fan, the project's Head of Product, and Nicolas Kokkalis, Head of Technology. Both Stanford PhD graduates, the pair set out to address key hurdles to crypto accessibility and adoption through the platform. The project was launched on March 14, 2019 — Pi Day, which commemorates the mathematical sign pi — and has grown to be a community of tens of millions of members.

How to Start Playing Pi Network

Embarking on your Pi journey is simple and intuitive. Here’s how to get started:

  • Download the PI app from either the Apple Store or Play Store and create an account.
  • Once your PI account is set up, you can start clicking the "Lightning" button on the right side of the screen to prove your daily attendance on the pi network platform. In addition, you can also use manual clicking to prove that you are a real person and not a robot.
  • After clicking the lightning button, the system will automatically start mining to earn Pi coins, and then the system will display your current mining speed, mainly including the hourly output value of Pi coins; in addition, it will also tell you that after 24 hours, remember Come back and click the "Lightning" icon again to avoid mining interruptions

Converting and Withdrawing PI Coins

After you earn a certain number of PI coins, the next step is to exchange and withdraw them. Pi Network allows players to migrate Pi coins earned from the PI app to the mainnet

Mainnet Migration

You can click the Mainnet option in the PI app, follow the system prompts to perform KYC, download the PI Browser app, create a PI wallet, confirm your PI wallet, and set a locking commitment. In this way, the PI you earn can be migrated to the main network, so that your PI coins can be exchanged with other public blockchain tokens.

Selling Tokens on Exchanges

Once Pi coin are listed, they can be sold on supported cryptocurrency exchanges. The Pi network team aims to clean up bot accounts before the token listing to maintain ecosystem integrity. Understanding the token selling process beforehand can help Pioneer users take advantage of potential price pumps when Pi coin are listed.

Community Engagement and Social Media Presence

Pi Network has grown to over 60 million engaged users worldwide and 200,000+ computer nodes on Testnet (to be migrated to Mainnet after Open Network) collectively estimated to possess over 1 million CPUs. The growth of such a massive blockchain network is the basis for creating true utility of Pi as part of our strategy from the beginning.

Official Channels

Real-time updates and community engagement primarily occur through the official Twitter. Pi network also utilizes a YouTube channel for educational and promotional videos, ensuring that users stay informed and engaged. These official channels are crucial for keeping up with the latest developments and finding valuable tips and tricks.

Engaging with the Community

Through interactive Fireside content, where users can read new content, and multilingual chats, Pi network fosters community engagement, offering players multiple ways to interact. Users contribute to the app’s growth through feedback and community initiatives, making their participation crucial to the game’s ongoing development.

Engaging with the community not only enhances the gaming experience but also provides valuable insights and support.

Future Developments and Roadmap

The PI network plan will enter the main network open network stage after meeting the established conditions. There is no specific timetable, but according to current progress, market speculation will be by the end of 2024. By then, the $PI that has entered the PI main network will be freely exchangeable with tokens from other public blockchains.

Planned Features

Pi Network has a three phase roadmap.Phase III is split into two parts: Enclosed Network (current) and Open Network.

  • Phase I: Beta

In December 2018, Pi publicly listed the mobile app on the major app stores as an alpha prototype that onboarded the initial Pioneers. On Pi Day, March 14, 2019, the original Pi Whitepaper was published, marking the official launch of Pi Network.

  • Phase II: Testnet

This phase started on March 14, 2020, marking another critical preparation to the transition to a decentralized blockchain—a live Testnet with distributed nodes from all over the world. Pi Testnet, along with the accessible Node software, not only enabled the testing of blockchain but also initiated decentralized building efforts by the community to create utilities using Test-Pi.

  • Phase III: Enclosed Mainnet

This period began in December 2021. The Enclosed Network period means that the Mainnet is live but with a firewall that prevents any unwanted external connectivity. Pioneers will be able to take time to KYC and migrate their Pi to the live Mainnet blockchain while the community builds apps and utilities on the Enclosed Mainnet for the network.

  • Phase III: Open Mainnet

The Open Network period will begin depending on the maturity of the Enclosed Network ecosystem and the progress of the network’s KYC. Open Network means that the firewall in the Enclosed Network period will be removed, allowing any external connectivity, e.g., to other networks, wallets, and anyone who wants to connect to Pi Mainnet.

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Întrebări frecvente Pi Network

Cât valorează 1 Pi Network azi?
În prezent, un Pi Network valorează $0,86310. Pentru răspunsuri și informații privind acțiunea prețului Pi Network, sunteți în locul potrivit. Explorați cele mai recente grafice pentru Pi Network și tranzacționați în mod responsabil cu OKX.
Ce este criptomoneda?
Criptomonedele, de exemplu Pi Network, sunt active digitale care operează pe un registru public denumit blockchain. Aflați mai multe despre monedele și tokenurile oferite pe OKX și atributele lor diferite, care includ prețuri în direct și grafice în timp real.
Când a fost inventată criptomoneda?
Datorită crizei financiare din 2008, interesul față de finanțele descentralizate a luat amploare. Bitcoin a oferit o soluție nouă prin faptul că era un activ digital sigur pe o rețea descentralizată. De atunci, au fost create multe alte tokenuri, precum Pi Network.
Va crește prețul Pi Network azi?
Consultați Pagină de predicție de preț pentru Pi Network pentru a prezice prețurile viitoare și a vă determina prețurile țintă.
Limitarea răspunderii
Conținutul social de pe această pagină („Conținutul”), inclusiv dar fără a se limita la, tweeturi și statistici furnizate de LunarCrush, este obținut de la terți și este furnizat „așa cum este” pentru a fi folosit doar în scopuri informative. OKX nu garantează calitatea sau acuratețea conținutului, iar Conținutul nu reprezintă opiniile OKX. Acesta nu este menit să ofere (i) sfaturi sau recomandări de investiții; (ii) o ofertă sau solicitare de a cumpăra, vinde sau deține active digitale; sau (iii) consultanță financiară, contabilă, juridică sau fiscală. Activele digitale, inclusiv criptomonedele stabile și NFT-urile, implică un grad ridicat de risc și pot fluctua considerabil. Prețul și performanța activelor digitale nu sunt garantate și se pot modifica fără notificare. OKX nu furnizează recomandări privind investițiile sau activele. Trebuie să analizați cu atenție dacă tranzacționarea sau deținerea de active digitale este potrivită pentru dvs., având în vedere situația dvs. financiară. Consultați-vă cu un profesionist în domeniul juridic/fiscal/de investiții pentru întrebări în legătură cu circumstanțele dvs. specifice. Pentru detalii suplimentare, consultați Condiții de utilizare și Avertizare de risc. Prin utilizarea paginii web terțe („TPW”), acceptați că orice utilizare a TPW va fi supusă condițiilor TPW și guvernată de acestea. Exceptând mențiunile exprese în scris, OKX și afiliații săi („OKX”) nu sunt în niciun fel asociați cu proprietarul sau operatorul TPW. Sunteți de acord că OKX nu este responsabilă sau răspunzătoare pentru nicio pierdere, daună și orice alte consecințe care decurg din utilizarea de către dvs. a TPW. Țineți cont că utilizarea unei TPW poate duce la pierderea sau reducerea activelor dvs.
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