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What is Virtuals Protocol: Get to know all about VIRTUAL

What is Virtuals Protocol VIRTUAL?

Virtuals Protocol is a groundbreaking platform that empowers users to develop, own, and monetize AI agents. At its core, the platform simplifies the creation and deployment of AI agents on the blockchain, making it accessible to users without technical expertise. The native cryptocurrency token of this ecosystem, VIRTUAL, plays a pivotal role in governance, transactions, and participation within the platform. But what is Virtuals Protocol VIRTUAL, and why has it gained significant traction in the blockchain and AI space? Let’s dive deeper into its features, mission, and tokenomics.

Who Founded Virtuals Protocol?

The Virtuals Protocol founders, Jansen Teng and Weekee Tiew (also known as everythingempty), envisioned a platform that would revolutionize virtual interactions. Their mission was to integrate advanced AI agents into digital environments such as gaming, metaverses, and online interactions. By leveraging their expertise in blockchain and AI, the Virtuals Protocol founders created a system that combines decentralized governance with innovative AI-powered applications.

Virtuals Protocol: A Platform for AI-Powered Innovation

Virtuals Protocol launched in October 2024 on Ethereum’s Layer 2 network, Base. The platform’s architecture is designed to enable users to create AI agents by simply describing the desired character and behavior. These agents can then be deployed across various platforms, including games, social media, and virtual environments. Key features of Virtuals Protocol include:

  1. AI Agent Creation: Users can generate AI agents without requiring technical skills.

  2. Co-Ownership: AI agents can be tokenized, allowing multiple users to co-own and benefit from their activities.

  3. Revenue Generation: Agents perform tasks within their platform for a fee, with earnings distributed among token holders.

  4. G.A.M.E. Framework: The Generative Autonomous Multimodal Entities (G.A.M.E.) framework equips agents with capabilities such as autonomous planning, environment interaction, decision-making, and wallet control.

Since its Virtuals Protocol launch, the platform has gained significant attention, crossing a $1 billion market cap by December 2024. This milestone solidified its position as a leading blockchain AI project.

Virtuals Protocol Asset Name: VIRTUAL

The native token of Virtuals Protocol is called VIRTUAL. It serves multiple purposes within the ecosystem, including governance, transactions, and participation in AI-related activities. Users can utilize VIRTUAL for liquidity pairing, per-inference payments, and routing. The token’s utility and versatility have made it a cornerstone of the Virtuals Protocol trendin blockchain and AI sectors.

VIRTUAL Tokenomics

The total supply of VIRTUAL tokens is capped at 1 billion, with no plans for future inflation. The token distribution is as follows:

  • Public: 60% (600 million tokens)

  • Liquidity Pool: 5% (50 million tokens)

  • Ecosystem: 35% (350 million tokens), managed by a DAO-controlled multi-sig wallet

To ensure transparency and community oversight, the ecosystem treasury’s emissions are capped at 10% per year for the next three years. Fund deployment is subject to governance approval, maintaining a decentralized and community-driven approach.

Virtuals Protocol Contract Address

For those interested in acquiring or interacting with VIRTUAL, the Virtuals Protocol contract address is a critical piece of information. It ensures secure and accurate transactions within the ecosystem. Users can also check the Virtuals Protocol price for real-time updates and market trends.

How to Get Started with VIRTUAL

To buy, trade, or sell VIRTUAL, users can follow these steps:

  1. Choose a Wallet: Select a compatible cryptocurrency wallet that supports Ethereum Layer 2 tokens.

  2. Access a Decentralized Exchange (DEX): Use a DEX that lists VIRTUAL, ensuring you have the Virtuals Protocol contract address for accuracy.

  3. Purchase VIRTUAL: Swap Ethereum or other supported tokens for VIRTUAL.

  4. Participate in the Ecosystem: Use VIRTUAL for governance, transactions, or creating AI agents within the Virtuals Protocol platform.


Virtuals Protocol and its native token, VIRTUAL, represent a significant leap forward in the integration of AI and blockchain technology. By enabling users to create, own, and monetize AI agents, the platform has opened new possibilities for virtual interactions. With its innovative features, strong governance model, and the vision of the Virtuals Protocol founders, the project is well-positioned to remain a leader in the blockchain AI space. For more information on the token’s performance, check the Virtuals Protocol price.

This article is intended for informational purposes only and should not be considered as professional advice; AI was used to assist in content creation.

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