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OKX is officially among the first MiCA-licensed global crypto exchanges to passport its services across Europe!

Written by Erald Ghoos CEO OKX Europe

OKX is officially among the first MiCA-licensed global crypto exchanges to passport its services across Europe! This is a massive milestone for our company and the entire crypto community in the European Economic Area (EEA).

What Does This Mean?

We now offer fully regulated, localized crypto services to over 400 million people in 28 EEA countries, all through our European hub in Malta. Whether you're in France, Germany, Spain, or any of the other Member States, you now have access to our cutting-edge crypto products with local payment methods and currency options.

A Seamless Crypto Experience for Europeans

We’ve worked hard to tailor our platform to the needs of European users. Here’s what you can now enjoy:

  • OTC trading, spot trading, and bot trading

  • More than 240 cryptocurrency tokens across 300+ trading pairs

  • Over 60 Euro-based trading pairs

  • Free Euro deposits and withdrawals via bank transfers

  • Easy crypto purchases using cards and other widely-used local payment methods

We’re also focused on making your experience as smooth as possible with:

  • App and web platforms in multiple local languages

  • Local currency display options

  • Local language customer support

  • Products designed for regional preferences

  • An intuitive interface for beginners and a full-featured one for advanced traders

What is Passporting?

Passporting allows businesses that are MiCA-registered in one EU country to expand their services across the entire EU under a unified regulatory framework. This approval follows our MiCA license acquisition on January 27, 2025, and solidifies our position as a trusted and compliant player in the European crypto space.

Why This Matters

Crypto regulation is evolving fast, and securing the MiCA license means we’re committed to providing secure, transparent, and compliant services. With support for local languages, currencies, and payment methods, we are making crypto trading more accessible than ever. OKX is the new alternative for European crypto finance.

OKX’s Global Expansion

This isn’t just about Europe—it’s part of our broader mission to bring crypto to the world. In 2024 alone, we launched in seven onshore markets and obtained four new licenses and registrations. Now, with MiCA passporting, we’re able to scale even further, ensuring that users across Europe can trade with confidence on a regulated platform.

This is just the beginning, and we can't wait to see how crypto adoption continues to grow in Europe and beyond. Stay tuned for more updates, exclusive reward opportunities, partnership prizes, and local community meet-ups in the future.

Learn more at

About OKX

OKX is a technology company with a mission to organize the world's blockchains and make them more accessible and useful. We want to create a future that makes our world more efficient, transparent and connected.

OKX began as a crypto exchange giving millions of people access to trading and over time became among the largest platforms in the world. In recent years, we have developed one of the most connected onchain wallets used by millions to access decentralized applications (dApps).

OKX is a brand trusted by hundreds of large institutions seeking access to crypto markets on a reliable platform that seamlessly connects with global banking and payments.

Our most well-known products include: The OKX Exchange, OKX Wallet, OKX Marketplace, OKX Explorer, OKX Chain and OS for developers, OKX Ventures and OKX Institutional Services.

To learn more about OKX, download our app or visit:


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