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How to sell Pi coin when it is listed

As Pi Network continues to grow and gain attention in the crypto world, many users are eager to know how they can trade their mined PI. While the Pi Network token generation event has sparked interest, the token is not yet officially listed on OKX. Once listed, selling your PI on OKX will be simple and seamless if you're familiar with how trading on OKX works. If you're new and are worried about the steps involved, here’s a step-by-step guide to help you prepare for trading Pi Coin on OKX.

Step 1: Create an OKX Account

To sell your PI token holdings, you’ll first need an account on OKX. Here’s how to set it up.

Step 2: Transfer PI to OKX

Once PI is listed on OKX, onchain transfers for PI into the exchange will probably be made possible so you’ll need to transfer your tokens from your Pi Network wallet to your OKX account. Here are the steps to get you started.

  • Open the Pi Network app and navigate to your wallet.

  • Copy your OKX deposit address for PI. This will be available in your OKX account under the Deposit section.

  • Paste the OKX deposit address into the Pi Network app and confirm the transaction.

  • Wait for the transfer to be confirmed on the blockchain.

Step 3: Navigate to the Pi Coin trading pair

After your PI tokens are deposited into your OKX account, you'll see your balance on OKX. To begin the trading process, follow the following steps.

  • Navigate to the Trade section on OKX.

  • Search for your preferred trading pair involving PI like PI/USDT or PI/BTC.

  • Analyze the PI token prices for price trends and liquidity.

Step 4: Selling Your PI

Now that you're all set up, you’re ready to trade and sell your PI. You can begin by going through the sequence of the following steps.

  • Choose the type of order you want to place. This can either be a market order (sell instantly at the last traded market price) or limit order (sell at your desired selling price).

  • Enter the amount of PI you want to sell.

  • Review the details and click Sell to complete the transaction.

  • Your PI will be exchanged for the desired stablecoin or crypto asset listed in the trading pair. This can then either be withdrawn or used for further trading.

Tips for selling PI on OKX

  1. Monitor PI prices: Stay updated on Pi Network's PI token price in U.S. dollars or your preferred currency and related market dynamics. This lets you make a more informed decision when PI hits your target price.

  2. Stay informed: Follow announcements about OKX’s Pi Network exchange features and trading updates.

  3. Enable tighter security: Use two-factor authentication (2FA) and secure passwords to protect your account from hacking instances.

Why choose OKX for your PI trading needs?

OKX offers advanced tools and features for traders, ensuring a secure and user-friendly experience. With listings for trending tokens, OKX reinforces its role as “A New Alternative” for crypto enthusiasts. Whether it’s trading freshly airdropped tokens after their recent TGE or leveraging potential gains in the near future, OKX simplifies your journey in the evolving digital asset space.

Sell Pi coin easily on OKX platform

Through a simple four-step process, you can easily trade PI and other trending tokens if they're listed on OKX. With more than 600 trading pairs available and the option of trading Pre-Market Futures for tokens like PI that aren't yet listed across major exchanges, you'll find it easy when trading crypto with us. Keen to learn more about PI Network? Read our article on 10 Things to know about Pi Network, or study our case that examines if Pi Network is legit. For more information, visit our PI price page.

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