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OKX Hackathon Offers $600K+ in Prizes for Innovative dApps on OKX Chain

  • Google Cloud to co-host the competition, held March 24 to 26 in Santa Clara, CA
  • Participants will be challenged to build utility-focused dApps for a mainstream audience
  • Registration is free and open now until March 23 on OKX’s website

OKX, the second largest crypto exchange by trading volume and a leading Web3 technology company, today announced the inaugural OKX Hackathon, which will challenge developers to build dApps on OKX Chain, a leading EVM and IBC-compatible blockchain. Co-hosted by Google Cloud, the hackathon will be held on March 24-26 in Santa Clara, California, and will award over $600,000 in prizes.

The OKX Hackathon will challenge builders to construct dApps with utility on OKX Chain, targeting a mainstream audience. Participants will work with a team to conceptualize and build a Web3 project covering various topics related to Web3 development, such as smart contract programming, decentralized storage, identity, and governance.

Hackathon judges include business leaders from OKX, Google Cloud, Github, Gitcoin, Dune, Draper Dragon, and Press Start Capital, among other tech companies and venture firms. Hackathon projects will be evaluated on problem scope, design/UX, smart contract engineering, frontend/backend engineering, and composability.

OKX Managing Director and Head of Global Institutional Lennix Lai said: "As a leader in the blockchain and Web3 space, OKX is excited to co-host this event together with Google Cloud. Hackathons are critical to nurturing talent. They provide a unique opportunity for participants to showcase their creativity and technical knowhow while building practical solutions for a wider mainstream audience. We look forward to seeing the amazing projects that emerge from this hackathon and the impact they will have on the future of our industry."

The OKX Hackathon is free and open to all experience levels and provides the opportunity for both novice and experienced blockchain developers to gain practical experience and connect with peers who share similar interests. Participants will also have access to OKX and industry experts who can offer support, guidance, and answer questions during the event.

The event will end with workshops, keynote speeches, panel discussions, and a demo day, where participants will pitch their ideas and compete for prizes.

Teams of one to four people can register through March 23. For more information, including hackathon rules and eligibility requirements, please visit the OKX Hackathon webpage.

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