We are pleased to announce that we have invested in Zeus Network, the first and only permissionless communication layer on Solana and Bitcoin. Zeus Network enables dynamic, secure composability, creating a decentralized ecosystem for seamless user engagement and liquidity interaction.
This investment s encapsulates our vision of a new era of digital asset exchange, one that is decentralized, secure and user-friendly on a global scale. We are eagerly anticipating the launch of Zeus Network’s Mainnet in the forthcoming months, marking a significant milestone in the blockchain space. Zeus Network’s FDV is currently over USD 1 billion.
OKX Ventures Founder Dora Yue said: “Zeus Network is leading the way in integrating smart programs and consensus mechanisms. This intelligent fusion is driving the evolution of cross-chain communication, providing a snapshot of what the future of blockchain technology might look like."
On the unique opportunities that this investment brings, Dora further elaborated: "With Apollo, a Native Bitcoin Collateral Stablecoin on Solana, Bitcoin users can engage with the Solana community, and vice versa, Solana users can interact with Bitcoin, NFTs, and BRC-20 assets via zBTC.”
This announcement comes after we listed Zeus Network’s token, ZEUS, on our spot market on April 4, 2024.
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