Theta Network price

Theta Network price

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Theta Network market info

Market cap
Market cap is calculated by multiplying the circulating supply with its latest price. Market cap = Circulating supply × Last price
Circulating supply
The amount of this crypto that is publicly available in the market
Market cap ranking
The asset’s ranking in terms of market cap value
All-time high
The historically highest price an asset has reached during its trading history
Market cap
Circulating supply
1,000,000,000 THETA
Market cap ranking
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All-time high

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Theta Network price performance in USD

The current price of Theta Network is $1.3019. Since 00:00 UTC, Theta Network has increased by +1.12%. It currently has a circulating supply of 1,000,000,000 THETA and a maximum supply of 1,000,000,000 THETA, giving it a fully diluted market cap of $1.30B. At present, Theta Network holds the 0 position in market cap rankings. The Theta Network/USD price is updated in real-time.
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About Theta Network (THETA)

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Theta Network (THETA) is a decentralized video delivery network that was launched in 2019. Its main objective is to facilitate the sharing of computing resources and bandwidth among individuals in a peer-to-peer (P2P) format. This approach aims to addresses several challenges faced by the video streaming industry, including centralization, high costs, quality concerns, and infrastructure limitations.

What is Theta Network

Theta Network is essentially a Video Delivery Network (VDN) that operates by aggregating users' bandwidth and computational resources and redistributing them to those in need. The network's native tokens, THETA and TFUEL, serve multiple purposes, including governance and incentivizing active participation within the ecosystem. With a strong emphasis on security, Theta Network implements the novel Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) consensus mechanism to safeguard against potential threats and ensure the integrity of the network's operations.

The Theta Network team

Theta Network is spearheaded by a strong founding team – Mitch Liu, co-founder of Gameview, and Jieyi Long, the CTO of Theta. The team also includes notable advisors such as Justin Kan, co-founder of Twitch, and Steve Chen, co-founder of YouTube. In addition, the project is supported by a talented group of professionals from diverse backgrounds, including finance, blockchain, and media, such as Wes Levitt and Timothy Li, who contribute their expertise to further enhance the project's success.

How does Theta Network work

Theta Network is built upon a robust P2P infrastructure that enables users to share their resources to receive incentives in return. The network combines the power of edge computing, efficient data delivery, and decentralized video streaming to realize its overarching vision. This vision includes enhancing the lives of content creators, increasing advertising revenue for creators, and providing superior streaming quality for consumers.

Another important aspect of Theta Network is its open-source protocol, which enables users to develop and integrate decentralized applications (dApps) with Theta blockchain integrations. This allows developers to leverage Theta's technology and incorporate it into their own applications, fostering innovation and expanding the ecosystem.

Theta Network's native token: THETA

Theta Network boasts a dual-token economy – THETA and TFUEL. While TFUEL is used for micropayments, sharing incentives, and spam prevention, THETA is more of a governance-focused token. THETA started as an ERC-20 token but transitioned to its own mainnet in 2019.

THETA tokenomics

THETA tokens have a capped supply of 1 billion, with all tokens already in circulation. These tokens are pre-mined, ensuring a firm supply cap that will never exceed 1 billion. This fixed supply establishes THETA as a deflationary asset, considering the possibility of token loss due to situations where wallets become inaccessible.

How to stake THETA

To participate in THETA staking, you need to choose a staking service. A highly regarded option is OKX Earn, which offers flexible terms and an estimated APY of one percent for staking THETA. By staking your THETA tokens through OKX Earn, you can start earning rewards immediately. Additionally, you have the freedom to unstake your THETA at any time, providing you with flexibility and control over your staked assets.

Alternatively, you can also stake THETA to Theta Network’s Validator or Guardian nodes. By staking your THETA tokens, you have the opportunity to earn TFUEL tokens as rewards. The amount of TFUEL you receive is directly proportional to the total number of THETA tokens you stake.

THETA use cases

THETA tokens offer multiple use cases within the Theta Network ecosystem. One of the main uses is to secure the network by staking your THETA tokens to earn passive income in the form of TFUEL rewards. Additionally, THETA tokens grant you the ability to participate in network governance by voting on important proposals that shape the future of the ecosystem.

THETA distribution

THETA tokens are distributed as follows:

  • 30 percent is allocated to private sale initiatives.
  • 22.5 percent is held by Theta Labs and allocated to ecosystem incentivization.
  • 22.5 percent is reserved for partners, team members, and employees.
  • 25 percent is distributed to the source development pool for network growth.

Theta Network: The future and possibilities

In a landscape dominated by centralized video streaming, Theta Network aims to be a novel decentralized solution. Its P2P infrastructure allows for the seamless sharing of video content, disrupting the traditional model. Moreover, Theta Network continues to push boundaries by extending its reach beyond video streaming. A recent partnership with Lavita AI showcases its ambition to establish a P2P healthcare data marketplace, demonstrating Theta Network's commitment to leveraging its technology for various applications and revolutionizing multiple sectors.

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What is Theta Network?

Theta Network is a decentralized video delivery network built on blockchain technology. Its primary objective is to improve the lives of content creators and enhance the quality of video streaming. The network achieves this by pooling together users' bandwidth and computational resources, which are then distributed to those who require them.

What are the benefits of Theta Network?

Theta Network’s P2P infrastructure makes video delivery more cost-effective and improves overall quality. Additionally, users of Theta Network can earn passive staking rewards in the form of TFUEL tokens, creating an incentive for participating in the network.

What is the THETA price prediction?
While it’s challenging to predict the exact future price of THETA, you can combine various methods like technical analysis, market trends, and historical data to make informed decisions.
How much is Theta Network worth today?
Currently, one Theta Network is worth $1.3019. For answers and insight into Theta Network's price action, you're in the right place. Explore the latest Theta Network charts and trade responsibly with OKX.
What is cryptocurrency?
Cryptocurrencies, such as Theta Network, are digital assets that operate on a public ledger called blockchains. Learn more about coins and tokens offered on OKX and their different attributes, which includes live prices and real-time charts.
When was cryptocurrency invented?
Thanks to the 2008 financial crisis, interest in decentralized finance boomed. Bitcoin offered a novel solution by being a secure digital asset on a decentralized network. Since then, many other tokens such as Theta Network have been created as well.

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