STORJ price

STORJ price

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STORJ market info

Market cap
Market cap is calculated by multiplying the circulating supply with its latest price. Market cap = Circulating supply × Last price
Circulating supply
The amount of this crypto that is publicly available in the market
Market cap ranking
The asset’s ranking in terms of market cap value
All-time high
The historically highest price an asset has reached during its trading history
Market cap
Circulating supply
143,787,439 STORJ
Market cap ranking
24h high
24h low
All-time high

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STORJ price performance in USD

The current price of STORJ is $0.44440. Since 00:00 UTC, STORJ has increased by +2.51%. It currently has a circulating supply of 143,787,439 STORJ and a maximum supply of 424,999,998 STORJ, giving it a fully diluted market cap of $63.93M. At present, STORJ holds the 0 position in market cap rankings. The STORJ/USD price is updated in real-time.
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Founded in 2014, Storj (STORJ) is a decentralized, peer-to-peer (P2P) cloud-based storage solution. It allows users to rent or purchase unused digital space needed to store data. It is a direct competitor to projects like Filecoin and Arweave.

What is Storj

Storj is an open-source, blockchain-based cloud storage network that uses end-to-end encryption. To address issues with data loss and security in cloud-based storage solutions, it blends the advantages of cloud computing with blockchain technology. Storj intends to change the cloud storage industry by providing a platform that is immune to outages and cannot be filtered or monitored like those provided by Amazon and Google.

The Storj team

Shawn Wilkinson, a computer science graduate from Morehouse College in Atlanta, founded Storj after publishing a whitepaper in 2014 under Storj Labs. Shawn currently serves as the Chief Security Officer at Storj. Ben Golub is another key team member who currently serves as CEO. Ben is a renowned venture capitalist and alumnus of Harvard Kennedy School. Chief Revenue Officer Mark Glasgow and Chief Financial Officer Dorie Chung are both financial experts with experience working for Dell and Acuity. 

How does Storj work

Storj encrypts, shards, and distributes data to nodes all over the globe for storage. Sharding refers to the process of splitting a blockchain into several parts. As a result, a single organization can't gain access to all of the data that has been uploaded. Sharding ensures that network members keep complete control over their data and retain ownership of it.

Storj incorporates a variety of security techniques to ensure that the blockchain is safe and protected from hacks. These techniques include a zero-trust architecture, high availability across several regions, default encryption, and edge-based access restrictions.

How is Storj's network protected

Tardigrade storage deployed on Storj Labs nodes creates and secures user data. This network of anonymous nodes eliminates the need to rely on cloud storage service providers to protect our data confidentiality.

Storj’s native token: STORJ

Operators of storage nodes on the Storj platform are eligible to receive STORJ tokens, the native ERC-20 utility token of the platform, as compensation for the long-term storage and bandwidth they provide to the network.

STORJ tokenomics

STORJ has a total supply of about 425 million and a maximum supply of 500 million. Each Storj was sold for $0.50 in an ICO that saw the project raising about $30 million in 2019. 

The road ahead for Storj

Storj is revolutionizing data storage through a decentralized approach. Leveraging latent storage capacity worldwide, the team aims to democratize access to energy-efficient storage resources. Ongoing security enhancements and a commitment to fostering innovation within the ecosystem drive Storj's development.

Noteworthy projects like Tribe Social, an online community's social learning hub, harness Storj to achieve rapid content rendering and delivery. This results in substantial time savings compared to conventional Content Delivery Networks (CDNs). Additionally, Gab Wireless employs Storj to cut costs and enhance customer data security, showcasing the diverse applications and advantages of the platform.

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Number of posts mentioning a token in the last 24h. This can help gauge the level of interest surrounding this token.
Number of individuals posting about a token in the last 24h. A higher number of contributors can suggest improved token performance.
Sum of socially-driven online engagement in the last 24h, such as likes, comments, and reposts. High engagement levels can indicate strong interest in a token.
Percentage score reflecting post sentiment in the last 24h. A high percentage score correlates with positive sentiment and can indicate improved market performance.
Volume rank
Volume refers to post volume in the last 24h. A higher volume ranking reflects a token’s favored position relative to other tokens.
In the last 24 hours, there have been 1.2K new posts about STORJ, driven by 140 contributors, and total online engagement reached 75K social interactions. The sentiment score for STORJ currently stands at 88%. Compared to all cryptocurrencies, post volume for STORJ currently ranks at 2574. Keep an eye on changes to social metrics as they can be key indicators of the influence and reach of STORJ.
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Volume rank




What makes Storj unique?

In contrast to traditional cloud storage networks, Storj distinguishes itself through its unique approach. Instead of relying on large data centers, Storj harnesses a distributed network of thousands of individual PCs. Anyone with a few terabytes of available space and Tardigrade installed can contribute as a node in this network, requiring only a dependable and uninterrupted internet connection.

What are the uses of STORJ?

STORJ functions as the native token of the platform and is utilized for various purposes within the network. Users can lease redundant disk space in return for STORJ and cover the costs of uploading data to the cloud with the same token. Similarly, storage nodes can trade STORJ for expanded storage and bandwidth.

What is the STORJ price prediction?
While it’s challenging to predict the exact future price of STORJ, you can combine various methods like technical analysis, market trends, and historical data to make informed decisions.
How much is STORJ worth today?
Currently, one STORJ is worth $0.44440. For answers and insight into STORJ's price action, you're in the right place. Explore the latest STORJ charts and trade responsibly with OKX.
What is cryptocurrency?
Cryptocurrencies, such as STORJ, are digital assets that operate on a public ledger called blockchains. Learn more about coins and tokens offered on OKX and their different attributes, which includes live prices and real-time charts.
When was cryptocurrency invented?
Thanks to the 2008 financial crisis, interest in decentralized finance boomed. Bitcoin offered a novel solution by being a secure digital asset on a decentralized network. Since then, many other tokens such as STORJ have been created as well.
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